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APRALO Leaders are proposing to offer its ALS members a Leadership Mentoring Programme that will help to develop the leadership potential of our ALS members and to encourage them to take an active lead role in their participation in, and continuing contribution to, the work of At-Large within ICANN. The programme is proposed to run over 9 months, with introductory phases of the selection of mentor volunteers and mentees (already identified); a survey to profile participants in order to seek the best matches for partner participants; followed by at least 6 months of directed communication, guidance and support by the mentor for the mentee and a set of expected outcomes by the mentee and on-going assessment and feedback taking place between the partners. Important to this process on everybody involved, will be to ensure that mentors and mentees realize the potential intensity of this involvement in between ICANN meetings. There will be different levels of entry and experience, so that there must be careful matching of mentors and mentees. Vitally important will also be the appointment of a Super-Mentor for the mentors on this programme. There will be a schedule of feedback by 2-3 participants at each APRALO meeting; the programme will conclude with a short evaluation report expected from both sets of participants, and some oral feedback at ICANN Copenhagen in March 2017.  This programme has the potential to showcase succession planning for cross-RALO leadership. 


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