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 Made by: Wolf-Ulrich Knoben
 Seconded by:



1.       On 14 March 2014, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) of the United States Department of Commerce announced its intention to transition key Internet domain name functions to the global multi-stakeholder community and, as the first step, asked to convene global stakeholders to develop a proposal to transition the current role played by NTIA in the coordination of the Internet’s domain name system;


4.       The GNSO Council will consider the full slate of CSC members and liaisons either at a GNSO Council meeting, or a vote outside of a meeting, on 09 August 2016.


2. Motion – Adoption of GNSO Review Working Group Charter


Made by: Wolf-Ulrich Knoben
Seconded by: James Bladel




1.           The second independent review of the GNSO commenced in 2014.


2.           The Final Report of the independent examiner was published on 15 September 2015 (see and contained 36 recommendations in the areas of: participation & representation, continuous development, transparency and alignment with ICANN's future.


3.           The GNSO Council adopted the GNSO Review Recommendations Feasibility and Prioritization analysis (see: on 14 April 2016 with the modification of Recommendation 21, that the council recommends staff working with the GNSO to institute methods of information sharing of highly relevant research related to gTLDs to help the GNSO community members increase their knowledge base (low priority).


4.           On 25 June, the ICANN Board accepted the Final Report from the independent examiner, taking into account the GNSO Working Party's Feasibility and Prioritization Analysis of the GNSO Review Recommendations, adopted with modifications by the GNSO Council, the Board adopts thirty-four (34) recommendations of the Final Report (i.e. all recommendations excluding recommendations 23 and 32).


5.           Furthermore, the Board requested that the GNSO Council convene a group that oversees the implementation of Board-accepted recommendations. An implementation plan, containing a realistic timeline for the implementation, definition of desired outcomes and a way to measure current state as well as progress toward the desired outcome, shall be submitted to the Board as soon as possible, but no later than six (6) months after the adoption of this resolution.


6.           The GNSO Council requested that ICANN policy staff prepare a discussion paper that outlines the possible options for dealing with the implementation of the GNSO Review recommendations following adoption by the ICANN Board taking into account the past implementation of the GNSO Review as well as existing mechanisms such as the SCI, the GNSO Review Working Party and other applicable best practices and lessons learned from past reviews. This discussion paper was submitted to the GNSO Council on 20 June 2016 (see


7.           The GNSO Council reviewed and discussed next steps during the ICANN meeting in Helsinki where it was proposed to repurpose the SCI as a Working Group to develop the requested implementation plan as outlined in the staff discussion paper.


8.           A proposed charter for a GNSO Review Working Group was submitted to the GNSO Council for consideration [include link].




1.           The GNSO Council adopts the charter for the GNSO Review Working Group.


2.           The GNSO Council directs the Standing Committee on Improvements Implementation (SCI), to complete the two tasks assigned to it by the GNSO Council and submit the proposed revisions for approval at the GNSO Council meeting by 01 September 2016. [Option 1: Upon completion of these tasks, any new requests will revert to the GNSO Review Working Group for consideration. Following the completion of these two tasks, the SCI will be disbanded as its work will have been superseded by the GNSO Review Working Group.] [Option 2: During the course of the implementation of the GNSO Review, the SCI will remain dormant until such time the Council identifies a request that needs to be dealt with. Following the completion of the GNSO Review implementation, the SCI will cease to exist and its responsibilities will be taken over by the GNSO Review Working Group as outlined in its charter].


3.           The GNSO Council requests ICANN staff to issue a call for volunteers, both to solicit Stakeholder Group and Constituency appointed members and alternates as well as participants from the GNSO and broader community.


4.           The GNSO Council directs the GNSO Review Working Group to submit the proposed implementation plan to the GNSO Council for approval at the latest by the ICANN57.