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  Terri Agnew:Dear all, Welcome to the LACRALO Proposal of Metrics / Propuesta de metricas Teleconference on Tuesday 05 May 2015 at 18:00 UTC

  Terri Agnew:meeting page:

  Silvia Vivanco:Hello everyone

  Silvia Vivanco:Hola a todos

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello everyone

  Silvia Vivanco:Welcome Dev and all

  Carlton Samuels:Hello everyone

  sergio salinas porto:hi all!

  Silvia Vivanco:Ok we are waiting for Alberto

  Silvia Vivanco:few mins

  Humberto Carrasco:Hola

  Humberto Carrasco:hello

  Silvia Vivanco:Bienvenido Diego

  sergio salinas porto:hola diego!

  Diego Acosta Bastidas:Gracias Silvia. Saludos a todos.

  Humberto Carrasco:Siliva

  Humberto Carrasco:puedes poner el link

  Humberto Carrasco:de las metriocas

  Humberto Carrasco:por favor

  Silvia Vivanco:Alberto will join shortly

  Silvia Vivanco:we shall wait a few mins 2-3 mins

  Humberto Carrasco:Thanks

  Terri Agnew:Proposal of Mectrics / Propuesta de metricas wiki page:

  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you Terri

  Silvia Vivanco:Terri will post it on screen too

  Silvia Vivanco:The document is sync so everyone can pturn pages

  Silvia Vivanco:you can see the proposal in 3 languages

  Humberto Carrasco:Siliva, Alberto solicita que lo llamen al +5491162125559

  Humberto Carrasco:por favor

  Silvia Vivanco:ok

  Humberto Carrasco:Gracias

  Aída Noblia:Hola a todos

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Aida Noblia

  Silvia Vivanco:Hola Aida bienvenida

  Alyne Andrade:Hola a todos

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:I suggest there is a pause before each point in order to raise comments on each point

  Carlton Samuels:pOINT OF ORDER PLEASE

  Carlton Samuels:Sorry, didn't mean to shout

  Aída Noblia:Hola Silvia, Gracias.

  Carlton Samuels:I would like to make a point on a point of order please!

  Humberto Carrasco:Carlton, Could yopu tell what is your proposal please

  Humberto Carrasco:?

  Terri Agnew:Roosvelt King has joined audio

  Carlton Samuels:Dear Silvia, please take the following as a part of the offficial record

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Thanks Terri

  Silvia Vivanco:Dear Carlton noted

  Humberto Carrasco:I wanted to say, Could you tell me what is your proposal?

  Carlton Samuels:BEGIN: Can the Chair affirm that the copy of April 14, 2014 as translated represents the official recording of the proposal? END

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:What's shown as the PDF is not what is being read

  Carlton Samuels:Because if this is the case I suggest we dispense with the reading and move to the substantive issues.  For the interpretation now going may very well be different from what is recorrded on the wiki!

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Alan Greenberg

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Never mind, the old version should have been removed

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:it is a little confusing with the old and new versions there on the same page

  Silvia Vivanco:Dev the version posted is the latest version received and translated by ICANN translators

  Silvia Vivanco:Dated April 14

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:I know, its the two versions on the same page

  Terri Agnew:We are still trying to reach Alberto via dial out

  Carlton Samuels:@Silvia: OK. But the interpretation may differ Spanish to English!  And I'm reading the English version without access to the Spanish spoken by Sergio!!

  Alan Greenberg:On bridge

  Terri Agnew:Alberto has joined audio

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:I have some comments on the version just read (the April 2015 version)

  Silvia Vivanco:ok Carlton it may be that the translation is different slightly from what  is being interpreted simultaneously

  Carlton Samuels:@Sergio: I understand my friend.  Just that if we made the documents on the wiki official then there is no need for you to read it!

  Silvia Vivanco:but  the main meaning should be the same perhaps some words are different

  Carlton Samuels:Just acknowledge that and lets move to the questions

  Alan Greenberg:If official translation is available, interpreters can read those.

  Carlton Samuels:@Alan: Yes. But that is not what is happening!

  Alan Greenberg:I was making a suggestion!

  Silvia Vivanco:Interpreters shall interpret the spoken word

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Antonio Media Gomez

  Antonio Medina Gómez:buenas tardes a todos

  Silvia Vivanco:that is the standard  simultaneous interpretation procedure

  Humberto Carrasco:Alan is a good idea

  Humberto Carrasco:we can rread the document in english

  Humberto Carrasco:if Carlton is happy with that

  Silvia Vivanco:@ En speakers our EN interpreter has read out the written text from the wiki so that there were no nuances

  Silvia Vivanco:she has just confirmed this

  Humberto Carrasco:ok

  Diego Acosta Bastidas:PREGUNTA PARA HUMBERTO CARRASCO: Hay algun documento donde se resuman losdistintos quorum de os distintos procedimientos ? de acuerdo con la referencia que hace el documento de métricas  " Hay procedimientos que exigen un número determinado de asistentes, tales como las votaciones, donde hay que reunir un quorum específico. Si este no se logra, no se pueden tomar decisiones. " Diego Acosta Bastidas

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Alyne Andrade

  Humberto Carrasco:Diego, aqui estan los documentos donde puedes encontrar los quorums

  Humberto Carrasco:

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:The comments are on the wiki :

  sergio salinas porto:hola Alyne y Alberto!!!

  sergio salinas porto:Hola Diego

  Silvia Vivanco:Carlton your audio is saturated so ES interpreters are having difficulties

  Silvia Vivanco:but they are doing their best

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Juan Manuel Rojas

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Re: Point 3, rather than making this an annoying burden for those persons in ALSes participating in At-Large by writing private reports to the chair and secretariat - the RALO monthly call should have updates from WGs as a standard agenda item for those persons to attend the call and give their updates in person. This would bring recognition of persons participating to the LACRALO community and foster discussion of issues being looked at by At-Large WGs in LACRALO. Point 3 can then be removed as this would then be captured as part of the discussions in the monthly LACRALO call.

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:That way, LACRALO is made aware of the issues

  Diego Acosta Bastidas:Estimado Humberto: gracias por la información.

  Antonio Medina Gómez:me gustaría proponer algun metodo de validación de este documento. Que efectivamente todas las ALS participen y que todos tengan conocimiento de la importancia de aprobar  documento de metricas.

  Humberto Carrasco:Antonio, te invito a que hagas comentarios en la wiki

  Humberto Carrasco:eso seria un gran aporte

  Silvia Vivanco:I would like to ask you to set a methodology to incorporate  the comments

  Silvia Vivanco:and pen holders

  Silvia Vivanco:please

  Silvia Vivanco:and timeframes

  sergio salinas porto:Dev sorry you can leave your comments on the wiki?

  Alan Greenberg:If monthly meetings are well attended, a verbal report is likly to reach more people than a written report that no one reads!

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:I'll try to be brief

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:We started 8 mins late

  Antonio Medina Gómez:esto termina aqui o requiere mas analisis y conocimiento?

  Silvia Vivanco:5 mins

  Humberto Carrasco:El procedimiento a seguir será:1.- Esperar que se termine el plazo de comentarios de 30 días.2.- Despues tomar los comentarios y se va a preparar un documento final explicando cuales recomendaciones se recogen y cuales no.3.- Finalmente, se pondrá a votación el documento en los 3 idiomas.

  Silvia Vivanco:Ok methodology : 1) Wait 30 days to end the comment period

  Silvia Vivanco:2) Humberto for point 2 who will collect all the comments and incorporate them into the doc

  Silvia Vivanco:3) Vote

  Carlton Samuels:@Dev: +1

  Silvia Vivanco:cuando acaban los 30 dias Humberto?

  Carlton Samuels:I personally will not write another report.  That is additional labour to no good end.  I will however be on a call and update the conference

  Humberto Carrasco:@Silvia hasta el 6 de Junio

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Agree with Alan " If monthly meetings are well attended, a verbal report is likly to reach more people than a written report that no one reads!"

  Silvia Vivanco:ok I will note the methodology

  Carlton Samuels:@Dev:  Yes, I can see an apology received could be used to determine status of an event that requires quorum; So with enough apologies a call could be abandoned and resources released.

  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:foster discussion - not be slaves in reporting

  Silvia Vivanco:and will post into the wiki

  Alyne Andrade:Muchas Gracias

  Silvia Vivanco:in 2 languages

  Diego Acosta Bastidas:Gracias a todos.

  Carlton Samuels:Not so sure it would make a difference since the resources would be prepped before the scheduled call

  Aída Noblia:Saludos a todos

  Humberto Carrasco:Bye Bye

  Humberto Carrasco:adios a todos

  Carlton Samuels:; you would ahve to pay interpreters even if we didn't show