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  Terri Agnew:Dear all, welcome to ALAC Leadership Team (ALT) Mid-Monthly Teleconference on Wednesday, 12  November 2014 at 2200 UTC

  Terri Agnew:meeting page:

  Tijani BEN JEMAA:Tijani is here as well

  Holly Raiche:This is SUCH a civilised hour!

  Maureen Hilyard:This is my lunch time.. :)

  Maureen Hilyard:That means you have been working all through the night, Cheryl!

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:yup been going since well before 0500 yesterday

  Heidi Ullrich:@Leon, we have muted your line due to it being a bit noisy

  Gisella Gruber:Beran has joined the call

  Silvia Vivanco:Hello all

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:you do not sound at all well dear G :-(

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Gisella should sing the roll call

  Beran Gillen:helloe everyone

  Heidi Ullrich:At-Large ICANN 52 Workspace:

  Beran Gillen:i am getting an echo. or is it just me?

  Alan Greenberg:Leon is in an airport - background announcements

  Alan Greenberg:LOTS of announcements

  Beran Gillen:cant hear a think

  Maureen Hilyard:i am finding it difficult to hear Leon.

  Beran Gillen:thing

  Glenn McKnight:lots of  noise

  Heidi Ullrich:I'm trying to take notes i the note pod

  Beran Gillen:thanks @Heidi

  Heidi Ullrich:Please note that we have requested the Friday arrival and Saturday departure for ALT - it is yet to be confirmed if these requests  will be approved.

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:This all sounds great

  Holly Raiche:Gisella - maybe type in chat - You do a great Tina T but save whatevervoice you have

  Maureen Hilyard:also it would be helfpul to get a draft schedule out so that Liaisons can coordinate ALAC meetings into these other responsibilities

  Heidi Ullrich:+1 Tijani re last minute meetings!

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:indeed @Maureen obviously my Sat ALT and GNSO commitments will be clashed but can be managed...

  Maureen Hilyard:and then there are working groups..

  Maureen Hilyard:Lets hope those clashed meetings are not at each end of the building for you :(

  Terri Agnew:Leon will need to leave at this time

  Holly Raiche:One of the onger term recommendations was a review of the Ombudsman's role

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:@holly what on earth does that ATRT rec have to do with an ALAC Review????

  Holly Raiche:@ CLO - at this stage I am just getting my head around the ALAC review - but it does make sense to look at what has been said about ALAC in other reviews - by way of background at this stage

  Beran Gillen:+1 Tijani, quality not quantity

  Maureen Hilyard:Cheryl, the Metrics groups is looking closely at ALS expectations .. perhaps re-implementing the MOUs that used to be in place (how long ago?)

  Silvia Vivanco:Kindly note : ALAC/2007/SD/2.Rev7 - DATE: 23rd July 2007Minimum CriteriaThe Minimum Criteria elaborate upon the Bylaw provision and state the following five criteria.Any change to the Minimum Criteria would require ICANN Board assent before the modifications canbe brought into force, which would itself also require a public comment period

  Maureen Hilyard:+1 Allan & Beran

  Holly Raiche:And one of my tasks will be to look at those recommendations

  Alan Greenberg:I'm cutting off the queue

  Silvia Vivanco:See ICANN BY LAWS ARTICLE XI: ADVISORY COMMITTEESi. Membership in the At-Large Community1.The criteria and standards for the certification of At-Large Structures within each Geographic Region shall be established by the Board based on recommendations from the ALAC and shall be stated in the Memorandum of Understanding between ICANN and the RALO for each Geographic Region

  Silvia Vivanco:

  Alan Greenberg:We are not doing well on time. 45 minutes in and 30 minutes completed. I ask people to be brief.

  Ariel Liang:This is the survey:

  Ariel Liang:Please note that some of the questions are mandatory, so you have to put an answer to proceed

  Maureen Hilyard:sorry all.. I have to leave the meeting now. Will check out the recording later. Bye

  Terri Agnew:good bye Maureen

  Holly Raiche:Tks Alan - that was my question as well

  Holly Raiche:Bye Maureen

  Julie Hammer:Me too, I can't get to the second page because the first page is not sufficiently explicit for me to answer

  Ariel Liang:yes we can easily do the intro on the survey

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:yes intro ln the survey

  Ariel Liang:yes

  Holly Raiche:Is there room for comment as well?

  Ariel Liang:taking notes

  Terri Agnew:FBSC Workspace:

  Heidi Ullrich:FBSC Workspace:

  Heidi Ullrich:You are fast, Terri!

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:could we have scroll control please?

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:thanks!

  Ariel Liang:I stayed up for you guys when I was in China :)

  Holly Raiche:I can do any tme from 0400 easily and occasionally do otherwise - sharing pain may works better

  Heidi Ullrich:ALAC Agenda for 25 November -

  Glenn McKnight:The  program  discriminates  First Nations 

  Silvia Vivanco:Correct so as to include those not included in the Fellowship (most of which come from Developing countries)

  Glenn McKnight:Economic  indicators in First  Nations  communities  have  similar incomes  to the  least developed countries

  Glenn McKnight:we provided  lots of  information on the economic  indicators

  Glenn McKnight:It should b open to all First Nations

  Glenn McKnight:I think  OCL  is  suggesting  deprived  people ie.  ROMA  etc

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Cheryl nailed the term right

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@glenn: indeed

  Glenn McKnight:We need to have mechanisms  that  embrace the  digital divide 

  Terri Agnew:Policy Advice Development Page:

  Terri Agnew:ICANN Public Comment page:

  Heidi Ullrich:May make an amendment...

  Ariel Liang:This is our Statment on the GAC Draft Document on Geographic Names:

  Beran Gillen:@Heidi can you please post the At large icann 52 feb 2015 workspace link please, thanks

  Terri Agnew:NetMundial Initiative website :

  Terri Agnew:At-Large ICANN 52 - February 2015 Workspace:

  Heidi Ullrich:ALAC / At-Large Improvements Final Report -

  Heidi Ullrich:@Holly, this page is a very good starting point for research ;)

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:can of worms. may have wide ranging and negative consequences

  Beran Gillen:thanks @Terri

  Holly Raiche:Tks Heidi

  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you all

  Beran Gillen:Thank you and good night.

  Heidi Ullrich:Well done, Alan - on time!!

  Ariel Liang:Thank you all wow on time

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:bye thanks all... well done @AG