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October 2014 Report

  1. APRALO - ICANN APAC HUB PILOT FRAMEWORK - After London meeting, together with regional VPs APRALO leadership has discussed the strategy for the future cooperation and the priority areas had been set based on the feedback and contribution provided by APRALO ALSs. During the October monthly meeting in LA, the Head of Outreach & Public Responsibility, Asia Pacific, Asia Pacific Hub, Singapore, Kelvin Wong presented the final document based on the feedback provided. The call to join for WG to facilitate the implementation of actions under framework i.e. Language Localization, APAC Outreach etc. has been announced during the meeting. Draft APRALO-ICANN APAC Pilot Plan [ICANN51].pdf presentation has been shared.

  2. CROPP programAPRALO members Holly Raiche and Ali Almeshal participated at PacINET in Cook Islands and presented the results of their participation. Three slots are available for APRALO members for FY2015. Main events will be identified for APRALO members’ participation.

  3. Metrics – Based on APRALO Rules of Procedure (ROP) we have developed the metrics for participation for the leadership team and for ALSs. The new survey is planned to be worked out to be sent to all ALSs during the period from ICANN 52 and ICANN 53 meetings. The results of the survey will be used to find out the ways to encourage more participation from our members, more particularly to involve them actively on policy development discussion level

  4. ATLAS II Recommendations – During the Secretariat meeting in LA the 4 recommendations (28, 29, 42 and 43) had been discussed:

Recommendation 28 – To map the current expertise and interests among our ALSs membership, to identify Subject Matter Experts and facilitate policy communication, it was decided to include this question in the survey, which will be sent to ALSs in winter.

Recommendation 29 – the same automatic system will be implemented for recommendation 26, after which the same tools will be used on RALO level

Recommendation 42 – It was discussed and decided that in case of necessity, the regional General Assemblies can be implemented in concert with other major regional events, such as ICANN meeting in the region, APTLD/APNIC annual events, such as APRICOT. The need for such GAs will be discussed, with the strong content in place, in parallel with capacity building activities.

Recommendation 43 – will be compiled in metrics survey to be conducted in winter.

     5. APNIC -APRALO collaboration: APNIC representative, Strategic Engagement Director, Pablo Hinojosa, presented the current issues discussed in APNIC. The presentation and the following information had been shared with all APRALO ALSs via mailing list:

a) The first blogpost is the proposal put forward for consultation to the community, during APNIC last meeting:

b) The second blogpost is a recount of the opening ceremony of APNIC last meeting:

c) The third blogpost is a report of the consultation session after the plan was proposed to the community:

d) ICANN just recently issued a blogpost about this session as well, citing it as a good example:

September 2014 Report


    APRALO members are finalizing the comments provided by ALSs for identifying the main priority areas for the region. The final document will be prepared and discussed during ICANN 51 in LA.

  2. ATLAS II implementation: APRALO members are discussing 4 recommendations and next steps will be discussed and finalized during LA meeting. Below are 4 recommendations: 
    See : Post ATLAS II Activities WORKSPACE
    28 - The ALAC should work with all RALOs and ALSes to map the current expertise and interests in their membership, to identify Subject Matter Experts and facilitate policy communication.
    29 - The ALAC should implement an automated system for tracking topics of interest currently being discussed among the various RALOs, and accessible by everyone.
    42 - ICANN should enable annual face-to-face RALO assemblies, either at ICANN regional offices or in concert with regional events.
    43 - RALOs  should  encourage  their  inactive  ALS  representatives  to  comply  with  ALAC  minimum participation requirements.
