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July / August 2014

The call for participants was sent out to all AC/SO to nominate their representatives for the next leadership training programme. The detailed planning of the programme started.


June 2014

During ICANN50 in London the working group met again.


  1. Update on the current planning for the Los Angeles Leadership programme (Sandra, David 15 min)
  2. Distribution of seats among all SO / AC
    1. review of last year’s model (Sandra 5 min)
    2. agreement on this year’s model (all 10 min)
  3. Outreach to all SO / AC the NomCom and the Board to nominate of participants (all 15 min)
    1. How do we organise the call for participation in order to meet the need of each stakeholder group
    2. distribution of tasks
    3. assign ambassadors
  4. How can the ICANN Academy effort become visible on the new (all 15 min)
    1. makes only sense if Chris Gift or others from Staff responsible can participate and elaborate what is possible

During this session we focussed on point 1+2 of the agenda. The proposed curriculum and the distribution of seats was confirmed be participants. After this meeting an informal meeting with Gris Gift took place in order to further elaborate how the ICANN Academy could become visible on the new


April / May 2014


The financing of a next leadership training programme prior to ICANN51 in Los Angeles was confirmed. A revised curriculum was drafted, based on the results of the survey and the feedback from participants. This curriculum merged the facilitation skills training and the orientation part, but was shortened to 3 days.



March 2014



During ICANN49 in Singapore the WG met again.


  1. Discussion on the overall framework of the ICANN Academy
    1. Feedback about the new visualization of the Academy model
    2. Implementation of new initiatives in this framework (i.e. ATLAS II capacity building, GAC capacity building)
  2. Kick off planning for the next Leadership training program (planned for ICANN 51 Los Angeles)
    1. Discussion on the curriculum
    2. call for participants

During the discussion it became clear that there is a big confusion between the different programmes offered within ICANN. Especially newbie’s at ICANN have problems to find their way and the needed information to contribute meaningful. The desire aroused that on the new there should be space for easy entrance to all capacity building and learning efforts within ICANN.




Jan / Feb 2014


The pilot programme was seen as a great success and there was no doubt that this programme should continue. The financing aspect of the next programme was the next challenge, kindly organised by ICANN staff.

Because it was stated that the pyramid model is too static and does not reflect the dynamics within ICANN sufficiently, the overall framework of the ICANN Academy concept was revised including input from other stakeholder groups. It was developed with Mike O’ Connor, one of the participant of the pilot programme (see also his blog on this: )





December 2013

Participants of the Leadership training programme keept in contact on a mailing list and some of them showed interest to contribute to shape the future programme. We set milestones for the future planning and it was agreed that all parts remain in the programme. The FST and the OC should be merged in the future to keep the interactivity for the entire course. A bridging event is not needed anymore, but the need for socialising and networking events was clearly underlined.

The results of the pilot Leadership Training program survey and the summarizing information to our WG meeting in Buenos Aires can be found here:


November 2013

Participants fulfilled the OLP and we received the first feedback about this tool. Generally it was seen as an useful tool but the content needs to be improved. Overall we had around 25 participants in this programme, but not all of them could attend all 4 parts. Between part 2 and 3 we organised a bridging event in the evening. The facilitation skills training (FST) tuned out to be the icebreaking exercise and were very well received by all participants. Also the orientation course (OC) and the concept of asking participants to facilitate a session worked out very well. Of course there is always space for improvement, but generally there was agreement that this programme should not remain a pilot but should become a regular capacity building effort of ICANN. The feedback session on 20 November was well attended by participants and the comments provided very helpful for the future planning process.

Information on the pilot Leadership Training Programme can be found here:


October 2013

Participants from almost every AC/SO (except ASO and RSSAC), as well as Board members, Staff and the NomCom were interested in the programme. In order to offer more seats to participants we agreed not to assign trainers, but ask some of the experienced leaders to facilitate a session on a topic they have an expertise in. This turned out to be a good approach, because it was seen as a real effort from the community for the community. By the end of October the log in data for the Online Learning Platform were sent out, before access was given to some individuals to evaluate the tool. We realise there is space for improvement, but time was running short until the start of the programme.
