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1. An ALAC Representative for 2 year term ending in November 2016 - Holly currently serves in this role and she is willing and able to continue for another term.


2. The APRALO Chair to serve a 2 year term ending in November 2016 - Siranush is currently Acting Chair having stepped in for Holly and it is proposed by the current Leadership of the RALO, that she continue in this role for another complete term of office.


3. A  Vice Chair to serve a 2 year term ending in November 2016 - Fouad currently serves in this role and the suggestion is that Ali would be proposed for this role.


4. A Vice Chair to serve a 1 year term ending in October 2015 - this is currently "vacant" as Siranush held this role but stepped in as Acting Chair when Holly resigned her role in this capacity, earlier this year and the suggestion is that Satish would be proposed for this role.


Rationale: Noting that all the aforementioned people are highly active either in the roles already or in APRALO activities, and all have offered or agreed to serve in these roles, this would mean that the APRALO Leadership team would have the best possible geographic and time zone spread as well as gender equity that we can manage for our Region as the two RALO Reps and Chair (Female) and the two new Vice Chairs and our Secretary (Male) would be a 3:3 ratio that covers most of our Geo sub regions 



The Following extract of our new Rules of Procedure are relevant to this process 




*Section D: Selections, Elections and Appointments*


*28. General Provisions*


28.1 According to the ICANN by-laws, the APRALO appointments, and selections should be made wherever possible by Consensus, but failing that, elections can always be used and the methodology for such is outlined in these RoP.


28.2 Elections and selections can take place by electronic mail, online ballot, written ballot, or any other convenient and accurate means that are deemed to provide appropriate degree of confidentiality.



* 29 Procedures for the Selection of Leaders and the APRALO Leadership Team*


*29.1 Ordinary Leadership selections*


29.1.1 Ordinary selections of the APRALO Chair and Vice Chair(s) shall be held so as to have the new selections prior to the start of the end of June each year. The selection should preferably be completed at least three weeks prior to the start of the June/July ICANN Meeting to facilitate travel arrangements IF the selectee is expected to attend that ICANN Meeting. They are expected however to attend the ICANN Meeting were the ICANN AGM is held and where they will effectively 'take their seats' for the roles that are appointed to.


*IF  agreement is gained during tomorrows call then these people can simply be confirmed during our GA each being properly listed as in 'position elect' until London HOWEVER IF it is required by the Region to hold a vote as NO consensus can be reached by the Region, then the following Rule will



29.1.2 In the case where no consensus has been reached or it is deemed necessary to hold a vote


29.1.3 The time schedule of the election process must take into account possible run-off election.


29.1.4 The election of APRALO leaders will follow the process outlined in Paragraph 30.2.  [this paragraph specifies how votes where natural persons are involved are to be conducted please refer to copy of full rules attached]



We will also be soon calling for names and volunteers to propose to the ALAC for appointment as the AP NomCom Representative for 2015 - this year Satish has served in this role and whilst he can submit his name to be considered for a second year (no more can be served consecutively at this point in time) we believe his being an effective and engaged Vice Chair would be of the greatest benefit to APRALO at this time, and it will allow for another future leader to be nurtured along by having a role all being it a very time consuming and demanding one, in NomCom 2015... It is of course totally up to the ALAC who they appoint to these Geo-Regional Representational roles and they could appoint a person who did not have their  name put forward for consideration by the RALO...  To that end however the following rule parts apply.



29.2 Extraordinary selections, elections and appointments and Other Appointments


29.2.1 Appointments of At-Large Appointees to various bodies both inside and outside of ICANN will be made by the APRALO. Such appointments will normally be initiated by a call for volunteers, posted by the Chair/Staff to the Approved Distribution Lists, and on other lists if appropriate, allowing at least seven days for people to volunteer. The decision regarding appointments is typically made via Consensus. However, the Chair will initiate a secret ballot to determine which candidate is to be appointed if Consensus cannot be reached or if this is requested by any APRALO Member.


29.2.2 By the decision of the APRALO, a current Appointee who is willing to continue in that role may be reconfirmed instead of initiating a new selection process.


29.2.3 In the case of selections requiring complex criteria evaluation, the APRALO may choose to form a sub-committee to carry out the analysis and to make recommendations to the APRALO based on that analysis.


29.2.4 For situations where the APRALO is not empowered to make appointments but rather to endorse one or more candidates, essentially the same process as described here for appointments should be used, but with the outcome being an endorsement.