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March 2014 Report

1. APRALO Showcase in




“Celebrating Diversity” was a motto for APRALO region and the title of Showcase in Singapore. During the Showcase APRALO region started the new era of mutual cooperation and support with important regional organisations. APRALO signed an official Memorandum of Understanding firstly with our Regional Internet Registry, APNIC, and secondly with our Regional  APTLD. These agreements will strengthen the relationship that APRALO has, and can continue into the future, with these important regional partners. Singapore Showcase was another opportunity to do an outreach, and as a result one application was received (ISOC Yemen) and the interest coming from ISOC Singapore chapter.


2. ATLASII in London – during March APRALO monthly meeting we had as guests speakers to join us the Chair of ATLAS II Eduardo Diaz and Co-Chair of ATLAS II Communications WG Carlos Aguirre, who presented what has been already done to prepare ALSs for ATLAS II and what are the next steps coming up. The call to APRALO ALSs had been sent to join different WGs to support in preparatory works. Local music collection from the region will be prepared by Pavan to be used inLondon. APRALO General Assembly (GA) will be also organized inLondon in parallel to ATLAS II. The detailed agenda for GA will be sent prior to the meeting.
