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March 2014 Report

1. APRALO Showcase in Singapore - to be updated 

2. ATLASII in London – during March APRALO monthly meeting we had as guests speakers to join us the Chair of ATLAS II Eduardo Diaz and Co-Chair of ATLAS II Communications WG Carlos Aguirre, who presented what has been already done to prepare ALSs for ATLAS II and what are the next steps coming up. The call to APRALO ALSs had been sent to join different WGs to support in preparatory works. Local music collection from the region will be prepared by Pavan to be used inLondon. APRALO General Assembly (GA) will be also organized inLondon in parallel to ATLAS II. The detailed agenda for GA will be sent prior to the meeting.


3. FY15 requests submitted – During March period APRALO applied with three applications for FY15

a)      IGD Workshop inIstanbul,Turkey, September

b)      Accessibility Workshop at PacINET in Rarotonga,Cook Islands, September 2014

c)      Workshop and Outreach Activities at Asia Pacific Regional IGF (APrIGF), August 2014 (India, New Delhi)

The final confirmation for approval will be expected at the end of April.


4. APRALO ROP Charter

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During March the APRALO ROP WG holds one conference call and worked through e-mail to prepare the final draft of the New APRALO Rules of Procedure 2014, which has been sent to AP members for review on March 8. On March 22 the consensus call to the list was opened to invite all ALSs representatives to provide their support or otherwise for the document. No objections had been received before the monthly call. On March 26 during the monthly call actual voting took place and APRALO unanimously adopted APRALO new Rules of Procedures 2014. The individual memberships with the new procedures developed and will be outreached to announce about opening the APRALO for individual members to join.


5. ICANN Accessibility Taskforce WG hold it’s first meeting in Singapore on March 25. The main agenda included discussion of Primary Objectives for the Task Force - overall mission statement; identification of the key short, medium and long-term opportunities, as well as outreach and engagement opportunities for the showcasing of best practices in Accessibility for ICANN. The representatives of Disabled People's Association of Singapore had been invited to the meeting: Dr. Marissa Lee Medjeral-Mills, Executive Director and Mr. Alvan Yap, Advocacy Executive, who has a hearing impairment. A sign language interpretation services had been provided for the first time ever during ICANN meetings. As a next steps, one the opportunities to organize similar workshop in IGF 2014 had been discussed. Gunela Astbrink (ISOC Australia) posted the recommendations and ideas, raised during the meeting to become a basis for future discussion:


February 2014 Report

1. MOU with APNIC and APTLD 
