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December 2013


The month of December resulted in a number of activities. The follow-up of participation in ICANN 48 was one of the main agenda points of the month of December. EURALO members continued their participation in debates around Brazil Summit in April 2014 and the Multistakeholder Innovation Strategic Panels.


It is important to underline the success of the ICANN Academy Pilot project during ICANN 48, which was encouraged to become a regular event at ICANN’s AGM at the end of year.


A number of important events took place during the month of December; among them the meeting of High level Panel on Global Internet Cooperation & Governance Mechanisms, which took place in London, December 20. EURALO members closely followed this event. 

Another important event was the second ICANN Brussels briefing meeting, attended by few EURALO ALSs, which partly focused on ICANN Engagement Strategy for Europe. 

Among regional events, it is important to mention the first regional Azerbaijani Internet Governance Forum organised in Baku. 


The preparation of ATLAS II remained an important item on the December agenda. The preparation process continued to focus on strategic preparation and the analysis of survey data. It is necessary to mention that the next EURALO GA will take place during the ATLAS II in London, July 2014.


Also, the organisation of CROPP Program and the selection of EURALO representatives to CROPP Initiative were among agenda points in December.


Finally, the deadline for proposals of ideas for EuroDIG 2014 is set for December 31, 2013. 

With best wishes for 2014, EURALO Secretariat!
