Versions Compared


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On 24 June 2013, as requested by the GAC, the Board New gTLD Program Committee (NGPC) considered the issue of singular and plural stings strings being confusingly similar and decided to let the original process as documented in the Applicant Guidebook stand (i.e. subject to individual objections).


The ALAC is particularly concerned with the issue of singular versus plural strings. A central issue is that the "confusingly similar" test relies purely on visual similarity. Based on the initial evaluation adding an "Ss" makes it a recognizably different string. The recent NGPC decision (, re-affirms this position, although several NGPC members expressed regret that the wording of the Applicant Guidebook effectively forced this outcome.


This review involves a preliminary comparison of each applied-for gTLD string against existing TLDs, Reserved Names (see subsection, and other applied-for strings. The objective of this review is to prevent user confusion and loss of confidence in the DNS resulting from delegation of many similar strings.

Note: In this the Applicant Guidebook, “similar” means strings so similar that they create a probability of user confusion if more than one of the strings is delegated into the root zone.


The ALAC disagrees with the NGPC decision. The problem is the belief that "visual similarity" relies purely on what , in computer terminology, would be called "pattern matching" in computer terminology. Pattern matching is certainly part of human perception, but it is not limited to that issue alone. At issue is whether two strings will be PERCEIVED as being equivalent, and perception is a far more complex (and less understood) issue.


Will these be memorably equivalent or different to typical Internet users (the ones , individuals who have no knowledge of terms such as ICANN, domain name, TLD and second level)? The ALAC strongly doubts that most Internet users will note the subtle differences.


  •  Some registrants would register (and defend) their 2nd level names in both TLDs and map them to the same web and e-mail services. Doing so would reduce the impact on users, but would of course increase costs to registrants (including defensive registrations in both TLDs) who must double their registrations. Moreover, due to either policy differences between the two TLDs, or due to timing constraints, such duplication may not be possible.
  • Other registrants would use only one of the TLDs, resulting in quasi-random behavior from a user’s perspective. One We cannot expect the typical Internet user to be able to differentiate between two such name spaces, and therefore the . The ALAC, which is responsible for representing the interests of Internet users in ICANN, believes that we have a genuine case of "confusingly similar"."
The ALAC advises the Board to revisit the issue of new TLD strings, which are singular and plural versions of the same word, and ensure that ICANN does not delegate strings that are virtually certain to create confusion among Internet users and therefore result in loss of faith in the DNS.

The ALAC is also concerned with the lack of predictability and consistency in objection decisions. Certainly allowing Allowing identical strings to be individually evaluated (based on different arguments and by different panelists) does not appear to have been a wise moveopens the door to inconsistent decisions. Moreover the clear lack of consistency among the evaluations of different panelists implies that overall, we ICANN will either put either some TLDs in contention sets where it is not justified, or delegate strings that will cause user confusion.

It is not clear how this can be fixed at this time, but proceeding with no change is either going to unfairly disadvantage some applicants and their target markets or cause certain guaranteed user confusion.

The ALAC advises the Board to:
  • review the objection decision system with multiple panels that leads to inconsistency and not only review the obvious case of .cam/.com where conflicting objection decisions have forced such review


  • ;
  • determine a viable way forward which will not create unwarranted contention sets


  • nor delegate multiple TLDs destined to ensure user confusion and implicit loss of faith in the DNS.


ALAC Advice to the ICANN Board
