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a. Recently approved ALAC Statements, Documents or Groups:

i. Community Input Draft 2013-2016 Strategic Plan - Approved on 11 November 2012

ii. Use of a Drawing for Prioritizing New gTLD Applications - Approved on 8 November 2012

iii. Proposed Bylaws Amendments to Align Board Terms - Approved on 8 November 2012

iv. Draft Recommendations Overall Policy for the Selection of IDN ccTLD Strings - Approved on 8 November 2012

v. Trademark Clearinghouse Documents - Approved on 7 November 2012

vi. ALAC Statement on Community Input and Advice Process - 18 October 2012

ALAC Statement on the ICANN Consolidated Meetings Strategy Proposal - the ALAC adopted on 24 November 2012 - the ALAC adopted on 24 November 2012

ii. ALAC Statement on the IDN Variant TLD Program – Procedure to Develop and Maintain the Label Generation Rules for the Root Zone in Respect of IDNA Labels - the ALAC adopted on 26 November 2012

ii. ALAC Statement on the Expired Registration Recovery Policy - the ALAC adopted on 7 December 2012

iii. ALAC Statement on the IDN Variant TLD Program – Interim Report Examining the User Experience Implications of Active Variant TLDs - the ALAC adopted on 13 December vii. R3 White Paper - Approved unanimously on 29 September 2012

b. Statements currently being developed, reviewed or voted on by the ALAC

i. ICANN Consolidated Meetings Strategy Proposal - Vote started, 19 November 2012

ii. APRALO Statement on Prioritization of IDN gTLD Applications in the New gTLD Program -

iii. IDN Variant TLD Program – Interim Report Examining the User Experience Implications of Active Variant TLDs - Edmon Chung to write a draft Statement. Comment period closes 22 November 2012; Reply period closes 13 December 2012

iv. Expired Registration Recovery Policy - Alan Greenberg to confirm is a Statement is necessary

v. IDN Variant TLD Program – Procedure to Develop and Maintain the Label Generation Rules for the Root Zone in Respect of IDNA Labels - Edmon Chung to confirm if a Statement is necessary

 ALAC Demarche to ICANN - the ALAC to vote during this meeting (see agenda item 7)

ii. Trademark Clearinghouse "Strawman Solution" - Currently being drafted. Comment Period extended to 15 January 2013.

c. Currently Open Public Comments c. Current open policy forums:

i. Proposed Modification of GNSO PDP Manual to Address the Suspension of a PDP - Comment period closed 12 November 2012; Reply period closes 3 December 2012


iv. Application for New GNSO Constituency Candidacy-"Public Internet Access/Cybercafe Ecosystem" - Comment period closed 17 November 2012; Reply period closes 17 December 2012 - No Statement

v. Preliminary Issue Report on the Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (IRTP) Part D - Comment period closes 14 December; Reply period closes 4 January 2013. No Statement

vi. At-Large White Paper on Future Challenges Entitled Making ICANN Relevant, Responsive and Respected

vii. Consultation on IANA Secure Notification Process - Comment period closes on 10 January 2013; Reply period closes 31 January 2013.

viii. Protection of IGO and INGO Identifiers in all gTLDs (IGO-INGO)

ix. Statement on WCIT Outcomes

x. Consultation on Internet Number Resources Performance Standards - Comment period closed 11 December; Reply period closes 7 January 2013.

xi. Consultation on the IANA Customer Service Complaint Resolution Process. Comment period closed 18 December; Reply period closes 9 January 2013.

5. WCIT Update (Olivier) – 10 mins
