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Matt Ashtiani:                                               Yes I am.

Wiki MarkupCheryl Langdon-Orr:              Okay.  Pick one and pop it up for us to have a look, and while you’re doing that, what we will then be doing for Recommendation #7 on is in fact working from these newly reorganized recommendation Wiki pages, individual recommendation Wiki pages I should say, rather than straight off the listing for the milestone \[report\].  So Matt, could you or someone just…  Oh, the link is live,               Okay.  Pick one and pop it up for us to have a look, and while you’re doing that, what we will then be doing for Recommendation #7 on is in fact working from these newly reorganized recommendation Wiki pages, individual recommendation Wiki pages I should say, rather than straight off the listing for the milestone [report].  So Matt, could you or someone just…  Oh, the link is live, actually.

                                                If anyone pushes the Improvements link in the Wiki you’ll be taken to the page for Recommendation #4, and if you’ll bear with us for the moment the screen will change to Recommendation #4 there.  And thank you, Heidi, who’s also put the link in.


The first line item is “Introduce to the ALSes selective information dissemination, communication and collaboration tools,” and there’s a listing of some that Work Team B were aware of at the time; “and provide training materials.”  And this is something I think we can take beyond “in progress” and probably move to completed from the implementation point of view; but in the notes section say “This is now a task that has been taken over by the Technology Taskforce,” and I would assume, needs to be continually I guess…  What terminology should we used – “supervised” by the At-Large staff? 

Wiki MarkupAnd I suppose Heidi can help us to understand whether she’s going to allocate a particular staff member of if it’s going to be owned by a couple of her staff so that the actual needs of the ALSes and the regions are well integrated into this.    So really what we need to decide is how we make our notes in this section.    So I’ll open the floor, and obviously I would think Dev, as he is the lead on the Technology Taskforce, will have something to say on how he would like it notated here so it fits in with the time \ [cost\] of work for him and his Taskforce sub-team.

Dev, how would you like us to allocate the status?  I’m assuming complete from the implementation point of view and make the notes reflect the ongoing role of the TTF?  Over to you, Dev.


Dev Anand Teelucksingh:       Thank you, Cheryl, this is Dev.  I agree with what you said, actually, but just to update you on the status.  The call for members has not started as yet but I’m going to have a conference call with staff, particularly with Matt and Nathalie, and work on populating the workspace on the Wiki, get the topic areas down and come up with a charter; and then later I’ll do the call for members because I’ll obviously want to do that before Costa Rica, and before the Sunday sessions in Costa Rica.

Wiki MarkupCheryl Langdon-Orr:              Okay, that makes it clearer in my mind.  Thank you.  It was a \              Okay, that makes it clearer in my mind.  Thank you.  It was a [pre-print\] meeting; I must have been in a blur of meeting (inaudible).\\
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Dev Anand Teelucksingh:       Correct.  It was a \       Correct.  It was a [pre-cut\] meeting on that.\\

Wiki MarkupCheryl Langdon-Orr:              Okay, so your work -- just to \[kind of pass\] to Olivier -- your work between now and Costa Rica will provide material to actually go into that meeting schedule that Heidi has already put up on the Sunday session in Costa Rica.  Is that correct, Dev?\\              Okay, so your work – just to [kind of pass] to Olivier – your work between now and Costa Rica will provide material to actually go into that meeting schedule that Heidi has already put up on the Sunday session in Costa Rica.  Is that correct, Dev?

Dev Anand Teelucksingh:       Yeah, correct.  That is correct.


Matt Ashtiani:                        Sure.

Wiki MarkupCheryl Langdon-Orr:              Okay.  Olivier, you still have your hand raised?  Nope, okay, that was a very quick \[treat\].  Thank you, Heidi, I appreciate you spending some time with us today.  I trust your other call will be as entertaining as this one is obviously going to be and as productive, because we’ve actually finished Recommendation #7.  Thank you for joining us, Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              Okay.  Olivier, you still have your hand raised?  Nope, okay, that was a very quick [treat].  Thank you, Heidi, I appreciate you spending some time with us today.  I trust your other call will be as entertaining as this one is obviously going to be and as productive, because we’ve actually finished Recommendation #7.  Thank you for joining us, Heidi.

                                                Okay, so Rec. #7, tick the boxes on all of those.  A little bit of tidying up to do on the recommendation page and obviously some work to do between now and Costa Rica for Taskforce leads and those of us that are assisting Dev.  And Dev, just call on me if you need me to give you a hand in any way, shape, or form because you’re very busy on several things at the moment and we don’t want you getting too overworked.  I mean we are obviously overworking you but we don’t want you too overworked before Costa Rica.


                                                Now, that’s what the ALAC Review people said; that’s what went to the Board.  Work Team D then did a huge amount of preparatory work with what I think was really a watershed moment in us using the flowchart technology or approach, I should say – the flowchart approach to looking at how our work processes and activities in ALAC and At-Large are done and recorded and discussed.  And since the landmark workings and the figures prepared by Dev and the rest of his Work Team D group, we found this method of doing things has been picked up, I won’t say ICANN-wide but it’s certainly infiltrating all corners of ICANN.  And I’m delighted to see that – it’s a very good way of working and it allows us who are not actually engineers to communicate with those of us who are engineers, which is always handy as well.are engineers, which is always handy as well.

                                                Now there is, as I say, a lot of work done here, a lot of imagery that we will be appending to reports, or final reports, or (inaudible) and appending, or just linking to the pages where they reside.  But life, the universe, and the wonderful world of ICANN public comments has in fact shifted since Work Team D did its proposal to the ALAC, and so we are aware that there is a little bit of tweaking, a modification of these figures and what we all thought was a well-planned approach in terms of [time, costs and flowcharts], etc. with the new public comments system which gives two Wiki Markup                                                Now there is, as I say, a lot of work done here, a lot of imagery that we will be appending to reports, or final reports, or (inaudible) and appending, or just linking to the pages where they reside.  But life, the universe, and the wonderful world of ICANN public comments has in fact shifted since Work Team D did its proposal to the ALAC, and so we are aware that there is a little bit of tweaking, a modification of these figures and what we all thought was a well-planned approach in terms of \[time, costs and flowcharts\], etc. with the new public comments system which gives two cycles.

                                                We’re also aware from recent ALAC and regional discussions that there is a minimum amount of time that the pilot for the new public comments and then reply/respond period the Work Team put together.  ALAC and At-Large were well represented in that and there were minimums which were allowing as little as 21 days for some of this double-cycling.  We do note that it is a minimum and the advice coming out from senior staff in charge of public comments and the Public Participation Committee staff support, and I think parts of the Committee itself have tended to write down the minimum as opposed to noting that those days are a minimum number.


Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              Absolutely, and the probability of us having to tweak these well thought-out and I think well gone-over in a number of face-to-face meetings where Work Team D presented to the ALAC and regional leadership pages without that sort of conversation having happened I’d hate to commit that sort of time and energy to that until it has happened.  I see Tijani, however – go ahead, Tijani.
it has happened.  I see Tijani, however – go ahead, Tijani.

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Thank you, Cheryl.  I’d like to [say to] Olivier that we don’t need, we don’t want to shorten, to change the 21-day minimum.  If we make them more than 21 days we may have problems because I want to remind you that for the New gTLD JAS Program, when we put the report of the JAS comments we were asking the staff if it is possible to reduce the comment period of 21 days and they said “No way.”  So sometimes we need a short time for further comments, but we need to tell the staff that we don’t need to put the minimum period – we have to put more than the minimum period because it is not enough at this time.  Thank you. Wiki MarkupTijani Ben Jemaa:                    Thank you, Cheryl.  I’d like to \[say to\] Olivier that we don’t need, we don’t want to shorten, to change the 21-day minimum.  If we make them more than 21 days we may have problems because I want to remind you that for the New gTLD JAS Program, when we put the report of the JAS comments we were asking the staff if it is possible to reduce the comment period of 21 days and they said “No way.”  So sometimes we need a short time for further comments, but we need to tell the staff that we don’t need to put the minimum period -- we have to put more than the minimum period because it is not enough at this time.  Thank you.\\

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              So noted, Tijani, and I think that’s very much what Olivier and the rest of the ALAC will be doing.  Back again over to you, Olivier.


                                                Thank you one and all, goodbye for now.  Have a good day, good evening and safe travels to those of you who are traveling.  Bye.

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