Versions Compared


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SO/AC Policies and Operating Documents

SO/AC/GroupCharterOther Operating Documents

ALAC (At-Large Advisory Committee)

ALAC Rules of Procedure

AFRALO (African Regional At-Large Organization)

APRALO (Asia-Pacific Regional At-Large Organization)

EURALO (European Regional At-Large Organization)

LACRALO (Latin American & Caribbean Regional At-Large Organization)

NARALO (North American Regional At-Large Organization)

GNSO Council (Generic Names Supporting Organization)

RrSG (Registrar Stakeholder Group)

RySG (Registries Stakeholder Group)

CSG (Commercial Stakeholder Group)

BC (Business Constituency) 

IPC (Intellectual Property Constituency)

ISPCP (Internet Service and Connectivity Providers Constituency)

NCSG (Non-commercial Stakeholder Group)

NCUC Non-commercial Uses Constituency

NPOC (Not-for-profit Operational Concerns Constituency)

ASO (Address Supporting Organization)

ccNSO (Country Codes Names Supporting Organization)

GAC (Governmental Advisory Committee)

RSSAC (Root Server System Advisory Committee)

SSAC (Security and Stability Advisory Committee)