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The call will take place on Wednesday, 01 March 2023 at 14:00 UTC for 60 minutes.

For other places see:



1. Welcome

2. Consider possible modification of exemption language whereby represented individual or entity information is shared only with WG leadership if exemption is invoked

If no support for 2:

3. Positions on exemption language (awaiting input from ISPCP and BC)

4. Possible SOI Pilot

5. Possible question to ICANN legal

6. Confirm next steps




Apologies: Susan Payne


Audio Recording

Zoom Recording (including audio, visual, rough transcript and chat)

titleNotes/Action Items


  1. SOI TF members to provide their position statements on the exemption language by 24 March that can be included in the report to the CCOICI. Staff to specifically request feedback from ISPCP and BC as we have yet to hear from those groups.
  2. GNSO Secretariat staff to 1) circulate a Doodle poll to schedule an informal meeting for Wednesday or Thursday at ICANN76; 2) schedule a SOI TF meeting for Wednesday, 29 March at 1400 UTC.
  3. SOI TF members to suggest possible questions for ICANN Legal.



  1. Welcome

2. Consider possible modification of exemption language whereby represented individual or entity information is shared only with WG leadership if exemption is invoked. See:

If no support for 2:

3. Positions on exemption language (awaiting input from ISPCP and BC)

  • RySG will have feedback soon – it is an interesting compromise. Also awaiting feedback from the registrars.
  • RrSG: A lot of questions of where these recommendations go from here.  Still could be several concerns.
  • If this TF can’t come to consensus on language, it will go back to the CCOICI and then to the Council.  The Council would vote on changes to the Operating Procedures as a simply majority vote.  Also is sent to the Board.
  • IPC: Appreciate the attempt at a compromise, but if you can’t disclose then you can’t disclose to the leadership. 
  • If additional time is needed to consider, we should take it.  Can also discuss at the ICANN76 Council meeting.  It would be helpful for each group to state their views for the CCOICI to consider.  Seems that this is the only point of disagreement in the revisions to the SOI.
  • NCSG: Strong opposition to the existing text.
  • RySG: We will still develop some examples to be posted with the SOI.

4. Possible SOI Pilot

  • Not clear that this will be worth the effort and time if groups won’t change their views.

5. Possible question to ICANN legal

  • Important to frame the question and get agreement that this would be helpful.

6. Confirm next steps

  • Helpful to get statements of positions from TF member groups to be included in the report to the CCOICI to consider.
  • Deadline by 24 March to submit their statements on the exemption language.
  • Reconvene on 29 March at 1400 UTC to review the final report. 
  • No further public comment period is planned unless the CCOICI makes changes.  Not sure what it would achieve at this point as this already an issue that was called out in public comment.
  • RrSG: Consider putting this out for public comment again before going to Council as people were not paying attention.
  • Staff: If we do a focused public comment we need to agree on specific question(s) that would yield responses that could move this forward.  Also there is the opportunity to socialize among your groups at ICANN76 – could set up an informal SOI TF meeting in a sign-up room if available (no remote access).  Is there interest in this?  Possibly but it would need to be later in the week.  Secretariat to do a Doodle poll.


  1. SOI TF members to provide their position statements on the exemption language by 24 March that can be included in the report to the CCOICI. Staff to specifically request feedback from ISPCP and BC as we have yet to hear from those groups.
  2. GNSO Secretariat staff to 1) circulate a Doodle poll to schedule an informal meeting for Wednesday or Thursday at ICANN76; 2) schedule a SOI TF meeting for Wednesday, 29 March at 1400 UTC.
  3. SOI TF members to suggest possible questions for ICANN Legal.