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  1. Determinar nuevamente, preferentemente para mediados o fines de febrero, fecha de Asamblea General (virtual).
  2. Comunicar mediante lista de correo a los representantes de cada ALS, la determinación de la nueva fecha de comienzo de la AG, con la aclaración de que iniciar en fecha anterior al encuentro presencial , lo es a los solos fines de elegir las autoridades de la Asamblea (Presidente y Secretario) y que una vez electos y proclamados, la AG pasara a cuarto intermedio hasta el dia 13 de Marzo en que se volverán a reunir en Cancún para proseguir con toda la agenda prevista.
  3. Establecer que el procedimiento de nominación y elección de presidente y Secretario será en la misma llamada, lo que se realizará por medios electrónicos y mediante una herramienta de videollamada en línea, en día y hora a determinar y para que se realice durante el mes de febrero. La apertura de la AG por lo tanto se realizará de manera virtual, al igual que la nominación de candidatos y elección de autoridades a simple mayoría de sufragios emitidos, se respetará la emisión de votos secreta y para un solo candidato para cada cargo.
  4. El dia de la llamada/apertura de la AG, y previo a dar comienzo a la misma se constatara el cumplimiento del quórum requerido por las Reglas de Procedimiento del 50% de las ALSs activas para reuniones virtuales (art. 15 Reglas de Procedimiento).
  5. Una vez realizada la votación de los candidatos, se procederá a proclamarlos y asumirán inmediatamente su función, y cuya única acción ese día y durante la llamada, será la de decretar el pase a cuarto intermedio hasta el dia 13 de marzo y para ser continuada en Cancún y de manera presencial.


Consideration of the possibility of starting the LACRALO General Assembly on a date prior to the face-to-face call during the ICANN76 meeting to be held in Cancun (Mex) in mid-March 2023, and taking into account the stipulations contained in the Rules of Procedure of the region, all this in order to reach the meeting in Cancun with the Assembly already open and its designated authorities, which would result in the provision of more time to discuss planned and important issues for the consolidation of the present and future work of the Regional Organization. We advance position in a POSITIVE sense, however, and in order for it to comply with current regulations, certain precautions that are detailed below must be met:1-

  1. Determine again, preferably by the middle or end of February, the date of the General Assembly (virtual).


  1. Communicate through a mailing list to the representatives of each ALS, the determination of the new start date of the GA, with the clarification that starting on a date prior to the face-to-face meeting is for the sole purpose of choosing the authorities of the Assembly (President and Secretary) and that once elected and proclaimed, the GA will move to the intermediate room until March 13, when they will meet again in Cancun to continue with all the planned agenda.


  1.  Establish that the procedure for the nomination and election of the president and secretary will be in the same call, which will be carried out electronically and through an online video call tool, on a day and time to be determined and to be carried out during the month February. The opening of the AG will therefore be carried out in a virtual way, as well as the nomination of candidates and election of authorities by simple majority of votes cast, the secret casting of votes will be respected and for a single candidate for each position.


  1. On the day of the call/opening of the GA, and prior to starting it, compliance with the quorum required by the Rules of Procedure of 50% of the active ALSs for virtual meetings will be verified (art. 15 Rules of Procedure ).


  1. Once the voting of the candidates has been carried out, they will proceed to proclaim them and they will immediately assume their function, and whose only action that day and during the call, will be to decree the pass to the intermediate room until March 13 and to be continued in Cancun and in person.

All of the above having taken into account the LACRALO Rules of Procedure in force to date, especially art. 9; 10; eleven; 11.3; 12; 13; 15 and 16.

SCHEDULE - Calendar of events 

Dates are:

  • Date for virtual GA opening  and opening of


  • nominations : 2023 on


  • Feb 10
  • Date for closing of nominations : 2023, on


  • Feb 14
  • Date for Elections of the GA Authorities: 2023


  • Feb 15 /to


  • Feb 17.
  • Date to


  • communicate election results and assumption of authorities and


  • suspension of GA: 2023,


  • Feb 21


las Las  fechas propuestas para esto son:

  • Apertura de la AG y apertura de nominación de candidatos: 10


  • Feb 2023
  • Cierre de nominación de candidatos : 14


  • Feb 2023
  • Elecciones : del 15 al 17 de


  • Feb 2023
  • Comunicación de resultados, asunción de autoridades y pase a cuarto intermedio: 


  • Feb 21 de 2023.