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Wiki Markup
With respect to process and while our community has concerns about whether this new consumer-focused study now authorized by Board funding \[See link to Board Resolution <add link here>\] will add any new information, the ALAC on general principle will always be for more and complete information as possible on this knotty issue, if only to satisfy ourselves that all possible sources of information and the interests of all sectors are fully aired and considered before a decision.&nbsp; To reiterate, the ALAC believes that this Review Team must embrace, or reject andbut pronounce unambiguously on several related principles. It is our view that this Team must treat with and declare: 1) Whether the WHOIS construct as originally devised and for the purpose intended is still necessary 2) Whether the WHOIS dataset as originally determined remains fit to original purpose 3) Whether the several identifiable uses made of both the WHOIS data and processes that has expanded its original intent is useful and in the public interest.
