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  • Realicé la presentación de nuestro proyecto en la reunión de Iniciativas Locales del grupo global UA. La iniciativa fue muy bien recibida porque es la primera de la región Lac. Los directivos nos prometieron todo el apoyo que sea necesario para llevar adelante nuestro proyecto y por lo tanto tenemos que terminar de armarlo para enviarlo a su consideración. La idea es realizar el proyecto en 3 etapas, aprox analizar 7 paises por etapa y para esto necesitamos más personas que tengan disponibilidad de tiempo para hacerlo. Estaremos haciendo una convocatoria regional a estos fines. Qué les parece?
  • Curso técnico para formación de Embajadores de Aceptación Universal: inicará en febrero 2020, duración aproximada 6 meses, requisitos interesados: Entender los protocolos fundamentales de Internet (comprensión de las cosas fundamentales de operación), SMTP es lo más importante; Básico de lenguajes Web como HTML e Javascript; Aconsejable entender conceptos de programación de software como en Python y C ó Java. El curso aun está siendo organizado y enviarán una solicitación formal en breve.


IDN subgroup

ICANN 66 was very productive, I talked to many people and brought many ideas to keep moving forward.

  • I was participating in the Latin Generation Panel meeting, where I could verify that they continue working hard to incorporate, as far as possible, all the accents and particularities of all the Latin languages ​​in the world (and not only in LAC). I had the pleasure of speaking with Bill Jouris, member of this group and specialist in IDN and Latin languages. We invite you to introduce us to a webinar and he accepted! (We still do not know if it will be only for our group or will be part of the webinars that is being organized by the Capacity Building wg that Adrian Carballo is running, which would be very important for the entire region to learn more about this important topic) We will be sending info of when it will be.
  • LACRALO-LACTLD project. Sergio Salinas Porto and I were talking with Ignacio Estrada, General Manager of LACTLD and we raised the concern and confusion when verifying that some ccTLDs members of LACTLD accept non-ASCII characters and others do not; as well we could verify it in the works realized by our group. The idea is that LACTLD will open the doors of these ccTLDs to understand the reasons and to try to raise awareness on their part and thus ensure that all members of LACTLD (as an initial stage) allow you to buy domains with characters such as "ñ" for example.

Mr. Estrada asked us to collect this information to start the project. I informed him that we already had these data, that we would review them in the group and send them as soon as possible. In Annex you can see the excell that I was riding on the attempt to buy the domain www.compañ .... (you have to change the cc) with the information that some of you were sending. Ideally, check it, do other tests and really verify that the cc's in red do not accept it. What do you think? I will send e-mail separately to organize this work.


Regarding to UA

  • I made the presentation of our project at the Local Initiatives meeting of the UA global group. The initiative was very well received because it is the first in the Lac region. The managers promised us all the necessary support to carry out our project and therefore we have to finish putting it together to send it to your consideration. The idea is to carry out the project in 3 stages, to analyze 7 countries per stage and for this we need more people who have time to do so. We will be making a regional call for these purposes. What do you think?
  • Technical course for the training of Ambassadors of Universal Acceptance: will begin in February 2020, approximately 6 months, interested requirements: Understand the fundamental Internet protocols (understanding of the fundamental things of operation), SMTP is the most important; Basic Web languages ​​such as HTML and Javascript; It is advisable to understand software programming concepts such as Python and C or Java. The course is still being organized and will send a formal request shortly.


Sobre Reunión Enero 2020 /  Regarding January 2020 -  Bi-monthly Call:
