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AC Chat:  EN 

AC Recording: EN



  1. Staff Housekeeping (3 minutes)

  2. Welcome and Introduction to the Webinar - Joanna Kulesza and Alfredo Calderon, Co-Chairs of the ATLAS III Capacity Building Working wub group (

    4 minutes)Housekeeping Items - staff (3

    5 minutes)

  3. Presentations - Alan Greenberg and Olivier Crépin-Leblond (60 minutes)

  4. Q&A - (20 minutes)

  5. Next Webinar - Joanna Kulesza and Alfredo Calderon, Co-Chairs of the ATLAS III Capacity Building Working sub group (


    5 minutes)

Presentation: ATLAS III preparatory course based on ICANN-LEARN Module: Domain Names Demystified