
Election of Bruce Tonkin as the Vice Chair of the Board


Whereas, pursuant to the Board's adopted process, nominations for Vice Chair were closed at the beginning of the Board workshop on 22 June 2011.

Whereas, the following Board members were identified as candidates for Board Vice Chair: Sébastien Bachollet, Ray Plzak and Bruce Tonkin.

Whereas, the candidates for Board Vice Chair made presentations to the Board.

Whereas, the Board then participated in a written straw poll by secret ballot, the results of which were used to inform the Board Governance Committee's (BGC) slate for Board Vice Chair that the BGC presented to the Board for approval.

Whereas, the BGC has recommended that the Board elect Bruce Tonkin as the Vice Chairman of the Board.

Resolved (2011.06.24.30), Bruce Tonkin is elected as Vice Chairman of the Board.

Implementation Actions

  •  None

Other Related Resolutions

  •  To be determined

Additional Information

  • The resolution does not address funding for the items identified therein.

Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions.  See Board Resolutions Page for more information.

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