
Board directs Board Finance Committee to consider FY2012 ATRT implementation funding and report back to Board.


Whereas, the Board has found that the Accountability and Transparency Review Team's (ATRT's) recommendations have the potential to advance ICANN's transparency and accountability objectives and may be implemented by ICANN following careful and transparent consideration, and with the necessary support and resources;

Whereas, an estimated US$2,600,000 will be required to complete ATRT implementation activities in FY2012;

RESOLVED (2011.04.21.15), the Board asks the BFC to consider the FY2012 ATRT implementation funding as detailed by staff and to report back to the Board at its next meeting.

Implementation Actions

  •   Consider FY2012 ATRT implementation funding and report to Board.
    • Responsible entity: Board Finance Committee (BFC)
    • Due date: Next meeting
    • Completion date: 24 June 2011


The Board noted previously that all 27 of the ATRT recommendations have the potential to advance ICANN's transparency and accountability objectives and may be implemented by ICANN following careful and transparent consideration, and with the necessary support and resources. The Board recently asked staff to work with affected organizations and develop final implementation plans for Board approval, and noted that ICANN has already made progress on implementation of several operational changes called for by the ATRT. The Board is doing due diligence on the implementation of the recommendations and wants to ensure that the fiscal year 2012 budget, which is being finalized, includes appropriate funds for these activities.

The Board has approved inclusion of additional funding in the FY2012 budget for implementation of the ATRT recommendations, and reiterates its commitment to advancing ICANN's accountability and transparency.

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