
 Board directs CEO to publish the proposed Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group (NCSG) Charter for public comment.


Whereas, on July 30, 2009 the Board approved a Transitional Charter for the GNSO's Non Commercial Stakeholder Group (NCSG).

Whereas, Section 8.1 of the NCSG Transitional Charter provided that a final NCSG charter be established by no later than the Board Meeting during the 2011 ICANN Annual General Meeting.

Whereas, members of the NCSG have developed a permanent charter for the NCSG and consulted with the Board's Structural Improvements Committee and the ICANN staff regarding the proposed permanent Charter, and the SIC recommends that after final editing, the proposed Charter should be posted for public comment.

RESOLVED (2011.03.18.38), the Board directs the CEO to post the proposed NCSG Charter for a 30-day public comment forum. Upon close of the forum, a summary and analysis of the comments received should be provided to the Board for further Board review and action.

Implementation Actions

  •  Post Proposed Permanent NCSG Charter for a 30-day public comment forum.
    • Responsible entity: CEO
    • Due date: None provided
    • Completion date:  6 May 2011


The posting of this proposed charter for public comment will help meet the Board's 2009 directive to have a permanent charter in place for the NCSG. The initiation of this public consultation will give the community an opportunity to review and comment on a fundamental organizational structure in the GNSO. There are no budget implications for initiating a public consultation and staff management time of this effort will be within normal operating parameters. The posting does not have any impact on the security, stability or resiliency of the DNS.

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