- Category: gTLDs
- Topic: New gTLDs – Directions for Next Applicant Guidebook
- Board meeting date: 25 September 2010
- Resolution number: 2010.09.25.02,and 2010.09.25.03
- URL for Board minutes/resolution: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/resolutions-25sep10-en.htm#2
- Status: Completed
Directed Staff to determine if the directions indicated by the Board below are consistent with GAC comments, and recommend any appropriate further action, and Staff is provided detailed directions regarding the next version of the Draft Applicant Guidebook.
New gTLDs – Directions for Next Applicant Guidebook
Whereas, ICANN's primary mission is to coordinate, at the overall level, the global Internet's systems of unique identifiers, and in particular to ensure the stable and secure operation of the Internet's unique identifier systems.
Whereas, ICANN's Core Values include "depending on market mechanisms to promote and sustain a competitive environment" where feasible and appropriate, and "introducing and promoting competition in the registration of domain names where practicable and beneficial in the public interest."
Whereas, in June 2008, the ICANN Board adopted the GNSO policy recommendations for the introduction of new gTLDs <http://gnso.icann.org/issues/new-gtlds/pdp-dec05-fr-parta-08aug07.htm>, and directed staff to develop detailed implementation plans in communication with the community.
Whereas, one of the goals of the New gTLD program is to establish a clear and predictable process.
Whereas, ICANN seeks to mitigate risks and costs to ICANN and the broader Internet community to the extent possible.
Whereas, meeting these goals require tradeoffs and balancing of competing interests.
Whereas, in Brussels the ICANN Board resolved <http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/resolutions-25jun10-en.htm#11> to dedicate its retreat scheduled for 24-25 September for the consideration of all the outstanding issues relating to the implementation of the New gTLD program.
Whereas, the Board held a retreat in Trondheim, Norway on 24-25 September 2010, and talked through the outstanding issues relating to the implementation of the New gTLD program in order to identify potential ways forward.
Whereas, the Board has identified certain directions to the CEO regarding items for inclusion in the forthcoming version of the Applicant Guidebook for the New gTLD program.
Whereas, the forthcoming version of the Applicant Guidebook will be posted for public comment, and ICANN will take into consideration all public comments before making final decisions on all these remaining issues by approving the final version of the Applicant Guidebook.
Whereas, on 23 September 2010, the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) provided comments on version 4 of the draft Applicant Guidebook.
Resolved (2010.09.25.02), staff is directed to determine if the directions indicated by the Board below are consistent with GAC comments, and recommend any appropriate further action in light of the GAC's comments.
Resolved (2010.09.25.03), the Board gives the CEO the following directions relating to the forthcoming version of the Applicant Guidebook for new gTLDs, which is intended to be posted for public comment before the ICANN meeting in Cartagena in December 2010:
2.1 Geographic Names
Sub-national place names: Geographic names protection for ISO 3166-2 names should not be expanded to include translations. Translations of ISO 3166-2 list entries can be protected through community objection process rather than as geographic labels appearing on an authoritative list.
Continents and UN Regions: The definition of Continent or UN Regions in the Guidebook should be expanded to include UNESCO’s regional classification list which comprises: Africa, Arab States, Asia and the Pacific, Europe and North America, Latin America and the Caribbean.
Governments that file objections should be required to cover costs of the objection process just like any other objector; the objection process will be run on a cost-recovery and loser-pays basis (so the costs of objection processes in which governments prevail will be borne by applicants). Also, the Board notes that the GAC proposal for free government objections is not specific as to particular objection grounds or particular government objectors (for example whether both national and local government objectors would be covered).
2.2 New gTLD Applicant Support
Support to applicants will generally include outreach and education to encourage participation across all regions, but any direct financial support for applicant fees must come from sources outside of ICANN.
Staff will publish a list of organizations that request assistance and organizations that state an interest in assisting with additional program development, for example pro-bono consulting advice, pro-bono in-kind support, or financial assistance so that those needing assistance and those willing to provide assistance can identify each other and work together.
Owing to the level of uncertainty associated with the launch of new gTLDs, the fee levels currently in the Applicant Guidebook will be maintained for all applicants.
2.3 Root Zone Scaling
Real-world experience in root zone scaling has been gained as a result of the implementation of IPv6, DNSSEC and IDNs and the hard work of RSSAC and SSAC members in tackling the underlying stability question. Staff is directed to publish its analysis of the impact of IPv6, DNSSEC and IDN deployment on the root zone so far.
Staff has also developed a model and a rationale for the maximum rate of applications that can be processed over the next few years. Staff is directed to publish this model and rationale and to seek Board support for the judgments embodied in this model, thereby providing a firm basis for limiting the rate of new delegations. Based on the discussions to date, this limit is expected to be in the range of 1,000 new delegations per year, with this number to be defined precisely in the publication.
The Board notes that an initial survey of root server operators' ability to support this rate of growth has been conducted successfully, and directs staff to revisit the estimate on a regular basis and consider whether a further survey should be repeated .
Further, ICANN will periodically consult with root zone operators regarding a procedure to define, monitor and publish data on root zone stability. As part of the regular interaction with the root server operators, ICANN will invite inputs from the root server operators and other interested parties regarding any signs of stress in the system and advice as to what actions or changes in process might be appropriate.
Finally, in the event that the number of applications exceeds the maximum rate, an objective method for determining the order of application processing that conforms to the limited delegation rate (not relying primarily on time-stamping) will be defined in the Applicant Guidebook.
2.4 String Similarity
Similar strings should not be delegated through the New gTLD Program absent an in-depth policy examination of the issues, including a clear, enforceable set of operating rules to avoid possible user confusion. Community-suggested modifications raise a complex set of policy issues and cannot be considered as a straightforward implementation matter for the first round of applications. Further policy work in this area is encouraged.
2.5 Variant Management
No changes will be made to the next version of the Applicant Guidebook with respect to the handling of gTLDs containing variant characters. I.e., no variants of gTLDs will be delegated through the New gTLD Program until appropriate variant management solutions are developed.
The recent delegation of Chinese-language ccTLDs does not yet provide a generally workable approach for gTLDs; there are serious limits to extending this approach at this time. ICANN will coordinate efforts to develop long-term policy and technical development work on these issues.
The Board notes that the following scenarios are possible while evaluating variant gTLD strings:
Applicant submits a gTLD string and indicates variants to this string. The applicant, if successful, will get the primary string. The indicated variant strings are noted for future reference, and these variant strings will not be delegated to the applicant; the applicant has no rights or claim to those strings. ICANN may independently determine which strings are variants of each other, and will not necessarily acknowledge that the applicant's list of purported variants be treated as variants under the process.
Multiple applicants apply for strings that are variants of each other. They will be in contention.
Applicant submits a request for a string and does not indicate that there are variants. ICANN will not identify variant strings unless scenario 2 above occurs.
The CEO is directed to develop (in consultation with the board ES-WG) an issues report identifying what needs to be done with the evaluation, possible delegation, allocation and operation of gTLDs containing variant characters IDNs as part of the new gTLD process in order to facilitate the development of workable approaches to the deployment of gTLDs containing variant characters IDNs. The analysis of needed work should identify the appropriate venues (e.g., ICANN, IETF, language community, etc.) for pursuing the necessary work. The report should be published for public review.
The CEO is directed to produce for the board by the next Board meeting (28 October 2010):
A Work plan for developing the issues report.
An identification of the skills and capabilities needed by ICANN to complete the issues report and further develop ICANN's organizational ability to continue the strategic rollout of IDN TLDs.
2.6 Trademark Protection
Substantive Evaluation: The Applicant Guidebook will provide a clear description of "substantive evaluation" at registration, and retain the requirement for at least substantive review of marks to warrant protection under sunrise services and utilization of the URS, both of which provide a specific benefit to trademark holders. Specifically, evaluation, whether at registration or by a validation service provider, is required on absolute grounds AND use of the mark.
Substantive evaluation upon trademark registration has essentially three requirements: evaluation on absolute grounds - to ensure that the applied for mark can in fact serve as a trademark; (ii) evaluation on relative grounds - to determine if previously filed marks preclude the registration; and (iii) evaluation of use - to ensure that the applied for mark is in current use.
Substantive review by Trademark Clearinghouse validation service provider shall require: evaluation on absolute grounds; and (ii) evaluation of use.
URS timing: In response to public comment, change the time to respond to a complaint from 20 days to 14 days , with one opportunity for an extension of seven days if there is a good faith basis for such an extension.
The Board notes that the suggestion for a globally-protected marks list (GPML) was not adopted by the Board (in 2009), including for the following reasons: it is difficult to develop objective global standards for determining which marks would be included on such a GPML, such a list arguably would create new rights not based in law for those trademark holders, and it would create only marginal benefits because it would apply only to a small number of names and only for identical matches of those names.
The Board recognizes that additional policy development through the GNSO could lead to further mechanisms for enhanced protection for trademarks.
2.7 Role of the Board
The Board intends to approve a standard process for staff to proceed to contract execution and delegation on applications for new gTLDs where certain parameters are met.
Examples of such parameters might include: (1) the application criteria were met, (2) no material exceptions to the form agreement terms, and (3) an independent confirmation that the process was followed.
The Board reserves the right under exceptional circumstances to individually consider an application for a new gTLD to determine whether approval would be in the best interest of the Internet community, for example, as a result of the use of an ICANN accountability mechanism. The Board approves the inclusion of a broad waiver and limitation of liability in the application terms and conditions.
2.8 Mitigating Malicious Conduct
While efforts to mitigate malicious conduct will continue, the implementation work completed to date by the community and staff to address the mitigation of malicious conduct issue is sufficient to proceed to launch the first New gTLD application round. The remaining issues should not delay launch with the following specific directives incorporated:
Background check: The background check should be clarified to provide detail and specificity in response to comment. The specific reference to terrorism will be removed (and the background check criteria will be revised). These clarifications regarding the background check criteria and process shall be included in the forthcoming version of the Applicant Guidebook.
Orphan glue records: Current provisions in the guidebook require each applicant to describe proposed measures for management and removal of orphan glue records for names removed from the zone. This requirement should remain in place, and will be adjusted if SSAC makes a new recommendation in its report on this issue.
High Security Zone (HSTLD) concept: The HSTLD concept is a voluntary concept being developed by a cross-stakeholder group including the financial services industry for use in TLDs wishing to provide services on a high-security basis. Thus, the development of the concept does not impact the launch of the gTLD application process. Any publication of this concept will be shared freely with other organizations that might be interested in development of such a concept.
ICANN will not be certifying or enforcing the HSTLD concept; ICANN is supporting the development of a reference standard for industry that others may choose to use as a certification standard of their own. ICANN will not endorse or govern the program, and does not wish to be liable for issues arising from the use or non-use of the standard.
2.9 GNSO New gTLD Recommendation 6 Objection Process
The Board acknowledges receipt of the Rec6CWG report. This is a difficult issue, and the work of the community in developing these recommendations is appreciated. The Board has discussed this important issue for the past three years.
The Board agrees that ultimate responsibility for the new gTLD program rests with the Board. The Board, however, wishes to rely on the determinations of experts regarding these issues.
The Board will accept the Rec6 CWG recommendations that are not inconsistent with the existing process, as this can be achieved before the opening of the first gTLD application round, and will work to resolve any inconsistencies. Staff will consult with the Board for further guidance as required.
2.10 Registry Agreement
Required Notice and consent for increased or premium renewal prices: The current provision is necessary to protect registrants from predatory pricing upon renewals and the term should be retained.
Limitation of liability: The limitation of liability should remain as is. The remedies for registry operator are limited but appropriate given that ICANN is a non-profit entity that cannot afford to be open to unlimited liability.
Collection of variable transaction fee from registries if registrars decline to pay ICANN directly: The provision for the pass-through of fees is necessary to ensure that ICANN receives adequate funding in the event that ICANN accredited registrars (as a group) fail to approve the variable accreditation fees and should remain in the agreement.
Searchable Whois: Refer to the Board Data Consumer Protection Working Group to study issues and provide information to the Board relating to access and privacy to develop recommendations for possible inclusion in the forthcoming version of the applicant guidebook.
Indemnification of ICANN: The indemnification right should remain. ICANN staff has invited the Registry Stakeholder Group to propose language more precisely defining the exceptions to registry operator’s indemnification obligations for inclusion in the next version of the Draft Registry Agreement, and such a proposal should be considered for inclusion if received in a timely fashion.
2.11 Vertical Integration
The Board will send a letter to the GNSO requesting that the GNSO send to the Board, by no later than 8 October 2010, a letter (a) indicating that no consensus on vertical integration issues has been reached to date, or (b) indicating its documented consensus position. If no response is received by 8 October 2010, then the Board will deem lack of consensus and make determinations around these issues as necessary. At the time a policy conclusion is reached by the GNSO, it can be included in the applicant guidebook for future application rounds.
Implementation Actions
- Incorporate Board direction into next draft of applicant guidebook
- Responsible entity: Services Staff
- Due date: 9 Nov 2010 for posting Proposed Final Applicant Guidebook; 10 Dec 2010 for Board approval of Guidebook
- Completion date: 12 Nov 2010 posted Proposed Final Applicant Guidebook; Board determined at 10 Dec 10 meeting to proceed with additional work rather than approving Proposed Final Applicant Guidebook
- Draft workplan for handling issues related to variant TLDs
- Responsible entity: CEO
- Due date: 28 October 2010
- Completion date: December 2010, with IDN Variant TLDs Issues Project formally launched in 2011.
- Publish a list of organizations that request assistance and organizations that state an interest in assisting with additional program development, for example pro-bono consulting advice, pro-bono in-kind support, or financial assistance so that those needing assistance and those willing to provide assistance can identify each other and work together.
- Responsible entity: Services Staff
- Due date: None stated
- Completion date: September 2011 (see http://newgtlds.icann.org/applicants/candidate-support)
- Post Root Server Scaling reports for public comment.
- Responsible entity: Services Staff
- Due date: None stated
- Completion date: 6 October 2010 (see http://www.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-2-06oct10-en.htm)
- Publish the High Security TLD Concept for community input.
- Responsible entity: ICANN Staff
- Due date: None stated
- Completion date: RFI issued on 22 September and updated on 13 October 2010 and 16 November 2010 (see http://www.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-22sep10-en.htm)
- Send letter to GNSO regarding Vertical Integration.
- Responsible entity: ICANN Board
- Due date: 8 October 2010
- Completion date: Overtaken by events; On 7 October 2010 the Board received notice that the VI working group would be unable to deliver recommendations supported by a consensus of members (see http://www.icann.org/en/correspondence/gomes-to-dengate-thrush-07oct10-en.pdf)
Other Related Resolutions
- The Board approved the New gTLD Program on 20 June 2011, at http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/resolutions-20jun11-en.htm.
- Other resolutions to be determined.
Additional Information
- The resolution does not address funding for the items identified therein.
Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions. See Board Meetings and Resolutions Web Page for more information.