
Board amends the existing Consensus Policy on Domain Name Transfers to clarify reasons for denial of a transfer.

Whereas, the Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy is an existing Consensus Policy which was implemented in 2004 and is currently under review by the GNSO.

Whereas, on 4 September 2008, the GNSO Council adopted <> a PDP Recommendation for modifying transfer denial reasons #8 and #9 in the Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy <>.

Whereas, on 16 October 2008, the GNSO Council changed the proposed new text in the PDP Recommendation for transfer denial reason #9 <>, in response to public comments received.

Whereas, the GNSO Council votes on 4 September and on 16 October regarding the PDP Recommendation both carried with supermajority support, i.e. by more than 2/3 of weighted votes in the Council.

Whereas, the Recommendation, when implemented, will usefully clarify the two IRTP Denial Reasons covered, thereby enabling consistent application of these provisions to the advantage of all parties concerned.

Resolved (2008.11.07.04), the Board adopts the GNSO Council's PDP Recommendation as a modification of the existing Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy and instructs ICANN staff to implement its provisions.

Implementation Actions

  • Implement changes to transfer policy.
    • Responsible entity: ICANN Staff
    • Due date: None provided
    • Completion date: 15 March 2009

Other Related Resolutions

  • Other resolutions TBD.

Additional Information

Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions.  See Board Resolutions Page for more information.

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