- Category: Administration and Budget
- Topic: Thanks for service
- Board meeting date: 2 November 2007
- Resolution number:
- URL for Board minutes/resolution: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/resolutions-02nov07.htm#_Toc55609384
- Status: Completed
Board requests IANA to enroll Vinton Cerf on IANA Special People Numbers Registry.
Whereas Vinton Cerf was appointed to the ICANN board and began his term in November 1999.
Whereas he was selected by the Nominating Committee to serve two additional terms on the Board.
Whereas Vint has served the board with superhuman energy and unique skill.
Whereas he has served as chairman of the ICANN board since November 2000; served as chairman of the Compensation Committee; served as a member of the Executive Committee, the Executive Search Committee of the Board (November 1999-January 2001), and the Discussion Group for Geographic and Geopolitical Names in .info, and has provided excellent insight, leadership, and expertise in these roles.
Whereas Vint has dedicated tens of thousands of hours to supporting the Board, including many in the early morning in whatever city, town, hamlet or cave in the desert that has had any form of Internet access. Whereas he has logged over a million miles in air travel to support ICANN, its community and constituents.
Whereas most of this travel has been financially supported by MCI and Google as Vint has married his day job with his ICANN role, and the Board particularly appreciates this support by MCI and Google.
Whereas Vint's family has supported him with years of loving patience and encouragement for his patient support and encouragement of others.
Whereas Vint has chaired over 70 global teleconference board meetings with extraordinary aplomb and coordination that is pretty impressive considering he is a self-proclaimed 'deaf guy'.
Whereas Vint has provided broad-spectrum leadership through sartorial elegance, humour, laser-like curiosity, charm, athleticism, decades of technical knowledge, personal networks, media savvy, business acumen, dancing and an advanced fluency in Klingon.
Whereas Vint has through his agenda-setting and management of accountability has shown a fundamental personal commitment to the founding principles supporting ICANN's mission:
- ensuring the stability and security of the DNS,
- allowing market mechanisms to support the management of the DNS in a manner that promotes competition and choice for users and registrants,
- facilitating the bottom-up, transparent policy development process, and
- engaging the participation of the global stakeholder community in the ICANN process
Whereas the the ICANN community came together to celebrate Vint's eight years of service on the board at a gala ceremony here at ICANN's at 30th International Public Meeting in Los Angeles – the same city in which Vint grew up, studied and operated IMP 1 at the dawn of the ARPANet, a precursor of the Internet.Whereas Dr Vinton Cerf has concluded his term as director of the ICANN board at the Los Angeles meeting, the ICANN board resolves that Vint has earned the appreciation of the board on the scale of the totality of IPv6 address space for his term of service, and the board wishes Dr. Cerf well in all future endeavors. The board sincerely hopes that Vint will continue to be available to ICANN for advice and counsel in all matters of common interest in the future – but it does recognize that he has earned at least a 12 month holiday from formal ICANN participation.
Whereas, Vinton Cerf, has served the ICANN community with extraordinary skill and goodwill from his appointment to the board in 1999 to the end of his at the Los Angeles meeting,
Whereas, IANA maintains the IANA Special People Numbers Registry (SPNR), Ex. A below,http://www.iana.org/assignments/special-registry
Special People Numbers Registry (SPNR) - per IANA
(last updated 2003-06-26)
For those who have worked for the benefit of the Internet into the wee hours too often, for too little compensation, and with too little public appreciation. Thank you for your dedication.|| Number || Name ||
0 |
Reserved |
1 |
Jon Postel |
2 |
Joyce K Reynolds |
3 |
Bob Braden |
4 |
Louis Touton |
5 |
Daniel Karrenberg |
6 |
Stephen Crocker |
7 |
Scott Bradner |
8 |
Stephen Wolff |
(registry created 2003-06-25)
Resolved, the Board requests the IANA to enrol Vinton Cerf as entry number 9 on the IANA Special People Numbers Registry (SPNR).
Implementation Actions
- None
- Responsible entity: None
- Due date: None
- Completion date: None
Other Related Resolutions
- Other resolutions TBD.
Additional Information
- The resolution does not address funding for the items identified therein.
Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions. See Board Resolutions Page for more information.