Board authorizes the President and General Counsel to continue negotiations with MuseDoma in accordance with existing contractual terms, and authorizes extention of the relevant renewal process deadline as necessary and appropriate for up to six full months, while discussion continues.


Whereas, ICANN has been engaged in negotiations with sTLD registry sponsor MuseDoma regarding renewal terms for their registry contract.

Whereas, these negotiations are intended to result in a revised new registry agreement for this sTLD, including revised terms to come into line with other recently approved sTLD registry agreements.

Whereas, it may be beneficial for all parties involved to allow for an extension of the deadline of the existing agreement so that ICANN and the registry sponsor will have adequate time to address public comments raised by the proposed renewal agreement and the subsequent discussion in the 27 March 2007 registrar constituency meeting that led to the proposed path of extension of the current agreement.

Resolved (07.__), the President and the General Counsel are authorized to continue negotiations with MuseDoma in accordance with existing contractual terms, and are authorized to extend the relevant renewal process deadline as necessary and appropriate for up to six full months, while discussion continue.

Implementation Actions

  • Continue negotiations with MuseDoma and extend renewal deadline
    • Responsible entity: ICANN President and General Counsel
    • Due date: 30 September 2007
    • Completion date: 2007 

Other Related Resolutions

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