Board authorizes amendment to .BIZ agreement to implement changes to billing rules.


Whereas, Neulevel, the Registry Operator for .BIZ, requested formally on August 28, 2004 a change in their registry agreement that requires them to charge registrars at the beginning of the auto-renewal period.

Whereas, Neulevel has requested that the process for the .BIZ registry will be modified as follows: 1) The registry will not charge the registrar, nor renew the name, until either the registrar is submitting a renewal command to the registry, or until the end of the 45 days auto-renew grace period (assuming the domain has not been deleted within this period). 2) The Whois information display of domain names expiration date will be synchronized with the registrar's database, and synchronized with the decision made by the registrant.

Resolved [04.84] that the Board of Directors should allow ICANN President and General Counsel to negotiate and enter into such amendment of the .BIZ Registry Agreement with Neulevel as necessary to allow for appropriate changes to the agreement's billing rules provisions.

Implementation Actions

  • Execute amendment to .BIZ Registry Agreement
    • Responsible entity: ICANN Staff, Registry Operator
    • Due date: None provided
    • Completion date: 5 October 2004

Other Related Resolutions

  • TBD

Additional Information

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