
Board authorizes reimbursements for specified travel expenses.


After discussion, the Board of Directors, passed the following resolution unanimously by a 10-0 vote:Whereas, Article VI, Section 22 of the ICANN bylaws provides that the Board may authorize the reimbursement of actual and necessary reasonable expenses incurred by Directors performing their duties as Directors;

Whereas, Director Mouhamet Diop has incurred expenses totaling $4,475.04 USD and Director Veni Markovski has incurred expenses totaling $863.40 USD while attending the WSIS in Geneva, Switzerland in December 2003;

Whereas, it was not practicable for the Board to approve these expenses in advance of such travel and each Director has presented documentation of those expenses, and the Board finds those expenses to be actual and necessary reasonable expenses in performance of each of the Director's respective duties as ICANN Directors;

Resolved [04.03] that the Board hereby authorizes the reimbursement of expenses for Director Mouhamet Diop in the amount of $4,475.04 USD for attending the December 2003 WSIS;

Resolved [04.04] that the Board hereby authorizes the reimbursement of expenses for Director Veni Markovski in the amount of $863.40 USD for attending the December 2003 WSIS.

Implementation Actions

  • None 
    • Responsible entity: None
    • Due date: None provided
    • Completion date: None

Other Related Resolutions

  • TBD

Additional Information

  • Funding identified in resolution.

 Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions.  See Board Resolutions Page for more information.

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