Board establishes the charter for the At Large Membership Study Committee.


Whereas, the Board has vigorously addressed since its initial formation the many issues connected with the formation of an At Large membership structure for ICANN;

Whereas, at its Berlin meeting, the Board favorably received the report of its Membership Advisory Committee (MAC) and, in resolution 99.48A, directed staff to develop proposals for an At Large structure that would be responsive to the MAC Commentary;

Whereas, at its Santiago meeting, the Board adopted resolutions 99.87 and 99.88, which contemplated an At Large Council structure and directed staff to proceed with an At Large election project and related funding proposal;

Whereas, at its Cairo meeting, the Board noted significant and continuing debate within the Internet community on fundamental issues of At Large membership structure and, in resolution 00.18, directed the ICANN staff to proceed with (a) direct election of five At Large Directors, to be completed prior to the Annual Meeting in 2000, and (b) revisions to the Bylaws to accomplish a "comprehensive study of the concept, structure, and processes relating to the At Large membership" commencing after the Annual Meeting in 2000;

Whereas, at its Yokohama meeting, the Board adopted resolution 00.52, amending the bylaws to implement the Cairo resolution, with certain revisions based on views of some segments of the community expressed at the Yokohama meeting;

Whereas, at its Annual Meeting in 2000 in Marina del Rey, the Board adopted resolution 00.85 directing the staff to post for public comment a staff paper on implementation of the At Large study originally called for in the Cairo resolution and implemented in the bylaw revisions adopted in Yokohama;

Whereas, as a result of analysis of public comments and additional staff work, the President has recommended to the Board 1) the creation of an At Large Membership Study Committee, composed of seven to nine members representing, to the extent practical, the breadth of relevant interests in the Internet community, including non-commercial interests, commercial interests, public bodies (governments, treaty organizations or other multi-national organizations), the technical community, and the general user community;

(2) the adoption of an At Large Membership Study Committee charter that provides sufficient direction from the Board to the Study Committee's Chairman and members to ensure that the objectives of the study, as stated in bylaws Article II, section 5, are met;

(3) the appointment of an At Large Membership Study Committee Chair and two Vice-Chairs to be responsible for management and direction of the study;

(4) the selection of a study Executive Director and other administrative and financial arrangements;

RESOLVED [01.11], that there is hereby established a temporary Advisory Committee, to be known as the "At Large Membership Study Committee." The committee shall have the following charter:Charter for the ICANN At Large Membership Study Committee

1. Introduction

The At Large Membership Study Committee will undertake a comprehensive study of the concept, structure and processes relating to an "At Large" membership for ICANN, as provided by Article II, Section 5, of the ICANN Bylaws.

The Study Committee will seek input from all interested parties and work to achieve a broad consensus on effective means by which the diverse global Internet communities and stakeholders may participate in ICANN's policy development, deliberations, and actions.

The Study Committee will work without preconceptions as to a preferred outcome. Previous decisions and conclusions regarding an "At Large" membership will be informative but not determinative.

2. Scope of the At-Large Study

The Study Committee will work toward a consensus solution for At Large participation in ICANN that(a) provides an appropriate mechanism for input by the general Internet community, while

(b) also permitting effective and efficient management of ICANN and the achievement of its specific technical and administrative mission.
In addition to other inquiries it may deem appropriate, the Study Committee shall specifically address the following questions, which are required by the Bylaws section cited above:(a) Should the ICANN Board include At Large Directors?

(b) If so, how many such At Large Directors should there be?

(c) How should any such At Large Directors be selected?

(d) If selection by an At Large membership is recommended, what processes and procedures should be used to create that At Large membership? What minimum criteria, if any, should be required for membership? Precisely how should an At Large membership select At Large Directors?

(e) If an At Large membership is to exist, what should its structure, role and functions be? How should it be funded?
The Study Committee may also consider the proper relationship between an At Large membership and ICANN's three Supporting Organizations, the open policy development bodies charged with the formation of consensus policies on the unique identifiers and addresses that ICANN is responsible for coordinating.

3. Participation in the At Large Study

The Study Committee will encourage the participation of organizations and individuals worldwide, including the development of independent studies and analyses from across the global Internet's diverse communities and stakeholders.

The Study Committee, with appropriate staff support, will provide multiple mechanisms for community input, including public forums, mailing lists, and one or more public meetings. In addition, the Study Committee may wish to facilitate the development of consensus in other ways, including the preparation and distribution of concept papers and draft recommendations, and the promulgation of specific questions and other inquiries to those participating in this effort.

The Study Committee will maintain a public website with information about its work and schedule, and links to relevant information, including independent studies and analyses.

4. Study Committee Reports

At regular intervals, the Study Committee shall issue reports on its progress, including such preliminary findings and points of community consensus as may be appropriate.

In its work and in its reports, the Study Committee will seek to facilitate the transformation of the various inputs that it receives into a comprehensive set of recommendations that can attract broad support throughout the Internet's communities.

The Study Committee shall issue its final report in draft form for public comment at least sixty days prior to its formal presentation to the ICANN Board. The pertinent parts of public comments on the draft final report shall be included in the final report.

5. Operation and Budget of the Study Committee

The Chair and two Vice Chairs will be responsible for the management of the study. The Chair and Vice-Chairs will have the authority to call meetings, set agendas, and direct the work of the Executive Director. The Committee will work on the basis of consensus, taking votes only as needed, at the discretion of the chair.

Working with the Chair, the ICANN CEO will arrange financial support for the Study Committee's activities, including at least one dedicated staff person (the Executive Director). Prior to the ICANN Melbourne meeting, the Study Committee will make recommendations to ICANN Board on the necessary level of funding for the completion of its work, including external grant support if found necessary and appropriate. The study committee members will serve without compensation except for their costs associated with committee meetings and travel and other out of pocket expenses.

For purposes of funding and administration, the Executive Director will report to ICANN's CEO; in all other respects, the Executive Director will report to the Chair of the Study Committee.

6. Access to At Large Membership Data

Subject to ICANN's stated data privacy protections and appropriate non-disclosure agreements, the Study Committee (or its designee) will be afforded full access to ICANN's At Large Membership databases. It is expected that the Study Committee will undertake a statistical analysis, and will make publicly available aggregate data relating to the At Large Membership registration and voting process in 2000.

7. Study Timetable

The Study Committee will present its first preliminary report at the first ICANN meeting in 2001, to be held in Melbourne, Australia on March 10-13, 2001, including the Committee's views on the schedule and process which it thinks are necessary to accomplish its mission, with the understanding that any such schedule must conclude with an ICANN Board decision that can be fully implemented, as required by the current bylaws, no later than the ICANN Annual Meeting in 2002.
FURTHER RESOLVED [01.12], that the Mr. Carl Bildt hereby is appointed as the Chairman of the At Large Membership Study Committee and that Mr. Charles Costello and Mr. Pindar Wong hereby are appointed as Vice-Chairmen of the At Large Membership Study Committee;

FURTHER RESOLVED [01.13], that the President is authorized to retain the services of appropriate personnel, including an Executive Director, to assist the At Large Membership Study Committee in its work, to cause appropriate announcements to be made regarding the committee, and otherwise to implement the committee, and is authorized, in consultation with the Finance Committee, to commit up to US$100,000 in funds to support the At Large Membership Study, pending further action of the Board at its Melbourne meeting.

Implementation Actions

  • Undertake a comprehensive study of the concept, structure and processes relating to an "At Large" membership for ICANN.
    • Responsible entity: At Large Membership Study Committee
    • Due date: First preliminary report due March 2001
    • Completion date: 5 November 2001

Other Related Resolutions

Additional Information

  • The resolution appoints the ICANN CEO to arrange financial support for the study. 
  • Information about the At Large Membership Study Committee is available at the following page:

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