- Category: Board
- Topic: Temporary Nominating and Election Committees for At-Large Director Selection
- Board meeting date: 4 May 2000
- Resolution number: 00.31, 00.32, 00.33
- URL for Board minutes/resolution: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/prelim-report-04may00.htm
- Status: Completed
Board establishes and appoints members to: (1) a temporary Nominating Committee to select five At-Large Directors; and (2) a temporary Election Committee; both to be dissolved as soon as they have carried out their functions.
Whereas, at its meeting in Cairo on 10 March 2000 the Board determined that five At-Large Directors should be selected by a process involving a Nominating Committee and a direct ballot by qualified ICANN non-statutory members, such Directors to be seated at the conclusion of the annual meeting in 2000;
RESOLVED [00.31] that there shall be a temporary committee called the Nominating Committee, which shall consist of Linda Wilson (Chair), Jean-François Abramatic, Mads Bryde Andersen, John Klensin, Jun Murai, Charles Musisi, and Alejandro Pisanty. The committee shall have the following charter:"There shall be a Nominating Committee responsible for nominating a set of candidates for five At-Large Director seats, to be placed on the ballot for consideration and selection by the At-Large members of ICANN in the year 2000. The Nominating Committee will solicit and accept recommendations for candidates from the global Internet community. The Nominating Committee may also affirmatively recruit candidates for nomination."
RESOLVED FURTHER [00.32] that there shall be a temporary committee called the Election committee, which shall consist of Greg Crew (Chair), Charles Costello, Lorrie Faith Cranor, Patrik Fältström, Ken Fockler, Hans Kraaijenbrink, and Nguyen Huu Dong. The committee shall have the following charter:"There shall be an At-Large Election Committee responsible for recommending to the Board for its approval procedures regarding the At Large elections, including campaigning, voting, measures to prevent fraud, etc. The committee will also be responsible for oversight and monitoring of those processes. The committee shall operate to the extent practical in an open and transparent manner, giving due regard to protecting the confidentiality of private information of ICANN At-Large members, proprietary information of election companies, and other matters (such as certain information regarding anti-fraud measures) that should be kept confidential to promote the committee's mission."
RESOLVED FURTHER [00.33] that these temporary committees shall serve pursuant to their charters and will cease to exist as soon as they have carried out the functions identified in their charters, which shall be no later than the sooner of (a) the seating of the five At-Large Directors to be selected by 1 November 2000 or (b) 1 January 2001. Each committee may establish its own rules and procedures, which must be consistent with its charter and the Corporation's bylaws as they exist from time to time.
Implementation Actions
- Solicit and accept recommendations for candidates to be one of five new At-Large Directors.
- Responsible entity: Nominating Committee
- Due date: January 2001 (or as soon as directors are selected)
- Completion date: 2000
- Recommend to Board approval procedures regarding At Large elections.
- Responsible entity: Election Committee
- Due date: January 2001 (or as soon as function has been carried out)
- Completion date: July 2000
Other Related Resolutions
- Resolutions 00.43, 00.44, and 00.45 - Approval of most of staff's proposed rules; extended period for public review and comment on proposed rules; tentatively set new At Large membership applications deadline to 31 July: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/prelim-report-06jun00.htm
- Resolutions 00.66, 00.67, and 00.68 - Board endorses Election Committee's recommended selection process for Year 200 "At Large" Director with clarifications regarding voting; Board directs President to appoint individuals to monitor election process: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/prelim-report-16jul00.htm
- Resolution 00.65 - Board authorizes President to enter contract with vendor of online voting systems: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/prelim-report-16jul00.htm
- Other resolutions TBD
Additional Information
- 9 May 2000 ICANN Creates At Large Election and Nominating Committees
- 19 May 2000 At Large Election: Proposed Rules for Self-Nomination Process
- 22 May 2000 At Large Election: Update 1.1
- 8 July 2000 ICANN Update: Yokohama Meetings and At Large Elections
- 7 September 2000 UPDATE: ICANN At Large Nominations Period Nears Conclusion
- 27 November 2000 Call for Input on At Large Study, at http://www.icann.org/en/committees/at-large/study-comments.htm
- The resolution does not address funding for the items identified therein.
Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions. See Board Resolutions Page for more information.