Question 3: Would you favor:
a) a requirement that all posters be pre-registered (i.e., issued Username/Password) in order to have posting privileges to the Forum; (or)
b) providing open posting permissions such that an anonymous user can add comments/replies to the Forum?
Frederic Guillemaut
Option a makes sens for me : when taking part to a conversation, it is polite to introduce yourself. Comments should come from registrered users. However, I do not think there should be a strict verification on the identity of the person : It would be time consuming, and hard to do. Allowing people commenting with a pseudo.
Jonathan Zuck
Agree. I think registration makes sense for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the notification idea from the other phase.
Sokol Haxhiu
I agree with Frederic. Users should be registered but not through a long process that checks their identity etc.
Don Blumenthal
Registration should be required. Anonymous posts raised accountability issues and increases the possibility of flame wars that i suggested when replying to question 1.
However, I can imagine that replies could be sensitive in some situations. I would favor the ability to have pseudonyms so long as the pseudonym is part of the registration. The possibility that a pseudonymous post could be traced by staff would be a deterrent to attacks or spurious posts, although it could have a chilling effect also.