Note: The reports listed below are in chronological order.

Reports Description:

  1. The first attempt to systematically analyze ICANN Public Comment occurred at the conclusion of implementing the first set of Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT) Recommendations (Jan 2012). After one year of experience, Staff undertook an analysis (published May 2013) to determine what could be learned based upon actual community usage and participation patterns.
  2. In June 2014, ICANN org was directed by the ICANN Board to provide specific action plans to address two specific recommendations of the second Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT2) dealing with improvements to the ICANN Public Comment infrastructure and operations. As a result of that directive, the Public Comment team developed a set of enhancements and process improvements that were initially vetted prior to and during ICANN50. Those program enhancements and procedural changes were implemented and became effective in January 2015. The main purpose of this report (16 pages) is to examine Public Comment data comparing the ATRT2 period (January-September 2015) to preceding data captured between 2010 through 2014 to determine if the implemented program enhancements have been effective. 
  3. At the end of 2015, the Public Comment team elected to refresh the first Public Comment Data Analysis which originally examined data through 2012.
  4. At the close of 2016, the Public Comment team decided that the Public Comment Data Analyses should be refreshed annually.

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