
1. You must be logged in to the Community Wiki with a valid Username and Password in order to complete forms within CROP.

2. Your organization must first complete and get approval for the Outreach Strategic Plan before any CROP trip could be processed.  

3. There are two CROP forms required for each Trip: a) a Trip Proposal; b) a Trip Assessment (must be complete within three (3) weeks of all travelers having returned from the event, no later than the assessment due date which is automatically calculated based on the trip return date).

4. Multiple travelers are asked to collaborate as a team in pulling together the appropriate information.

5. To fill out the the form, click  (top of the screen)

6. Answer each of the questions that appears within the form. Use the scroll bar (right) to reveal all contents. Click here to read the full instructions

IMPORTANT: This form must be completed by the traveler him/herself.

Person Completing Form

Javier Chandia Rojas






Assessment Due Date


Link to Trip Assessment

FY23 LACRALO Trip Assessment 1

Trip Proposal Section

1) Traveler Contact Information and Itinerary:

Depart DateReturn Date
Javier Chandia Rojas
La Serena
2) Special Travel Circumstances, Arrangements,
Explanations, or Notations: 
(Please identify each traveler, as applicable)
La Serena - Santiago - Costa Rica Costa Rica - Santiago - La Serena
3) Event/Conference Name, Title, or Descriptor:
Derechos humanos en la era digital
4) Event/Conference Dates:
5) Event/Conference Website Link:
6) Primary Event/Conference Location:
Centro de Convención de Costa Rica
San José
Costa Rica
7) ICANN Global Stakeholder Engagement Region:
Latin America and Caribbean

8) Activity Sponsors:
(Note: all event sponsors must be identified
in order to comply with ICANN travel guidelines).

Lacralo -

9) Proposed Goals and Outcomes:

Content Guidelines (click here)

El Objetivo es introducir a LACRALO en el ámbito de debate y discusión de RightsCom de los temas concernientes al ecosistema de internet, sobre todo aquellos que versen sobre: DNS Abuse, gobernanza, protección de datos, estabilidad de internet y conexiones resilientes, etc.

RightsCon ofrece una plataforma para que miles de participantes de todo el mundo se reúnan, se conecten y contribuyan a una agenda compartida para el futuro.

Realizar los contactos con asistentes de la región para avanzar en la discusión sobre Derechos Humanos en el ámbito digital que ya ICANN ha incorporado en los temas a observar dentro del ecosistema de gobernanza de internet.

Para LACRALO esto es una oportunidad única para unirnos a una comunidad global de líderes empresariales, activistas, tecnólogos, legisladores, periodistas, filántropos, investigadores y artistas, para explorar oportunidades para promover los derechos humanos en la era digital.

Mi intención es de poder participar en distintas secciones del summit para acercar esos conocimientos y voceros a la comunidad de LACRALO.

Llevar a este encuentro el conocimiento sobre los espacios de participación en ICANN e invitarlos a participar a los asistentes, del variado menú de opciones que ofrece nuestro modelo multistakeholder en ICANN.

Cumplir con nuestro plan regional de LACRALO, haciendo hincapié en uno de los tópicos abordados en la declaración de la Asamblea General de Cancún 2023 relacionada con llevar la voz de LACRALO a otros foros regionales

10) Additional Information (optional):

Como Internauta Chile mantenemos diversas campañas tales como una contra el ciberbullying, otra de fomento a la lectura digital, la inclusión de la tercera edad y el ciberactivismo, responsable y respetuoso.

11) Consent & Authorization:

By submitting my personal data, I agree that my personal data will be processed in accordance with the ICANN Privacy Policy, and agree to abide by the website Terms of Service.

If you agree to text above, please fill out your name and date in the box on the right.


Javier Chandía Rojas


Acknowledgements Section

Note: The first three elements below should be completed by a Program Coordinator (PC) designated by this organization/structure.

AcknowledgementsConfirmed?Who Confirmed?Date of ConfirmationNotes
The participants identified in this application agree to abide by the terms and conditions of this FY18 Community Regional Outreach Program (CROP) as outlined on the CROP Procedures & Guidelines page.
The ICANN Organization / Structure's leadership has authorized the submission of this Trip Proposal.
The ICANN Stakeholder Engagement Vice-President has concurred that the Proposed Goals/Outcomes of this Trip Proposal are consistent with operational plans and/or strategies.
The CROP Staff Administrators confirm that this trip satisfies the program's terms, guidelines, and policies.

Program Administration: STAFF USE ONLY

Approved Travel Elements:

Arrival Date
Departure Date
Approved Fees 

Staff Department Notifications:

Program RequirementDate Satisfied/ConfirmedStaff NameNotes

CROP Trip Proposal Template (June 2018)