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Strategy Status 


Person Completing Form:
Sebastien Bachollet

FY23 Outreach Strategy

Outreach Goals:

Spreading a clear, interesting and useful information about Internet, ICANN activities, At-Large, ALAC and EURALO's role in the European regions and beyond, maintaining the current positive image, raising awareness and, as a result, growing the number and the quality for an active participation of European Internet individual end-user in the ICANN policy development and ICANN organizational improvement programs.

  1. Enhance the EURALO presence in Europe with medium term strategy objective: “Euralo must be present in each and every country of our region”.
  2. Involve new people or new groups into the ICANN policy and organization making processes to strengthen the voice of Internet individual end-user.
  3. Mobilize current community members in identifying new ways and tools.



Organize EURALO activities open to the full membership but also for possible new members.

EURALO organized conferences are open to all the other stakeholders.

EURALO welcome fellows and newcomers.


With GSE Europe, EURALO support national IGF in European countries and other gathering.


ICANN activities (PDP, public comments periods, reviews, budget and finance…).

At-Large/ALAC activities (CPWG, OFBWG, O&E…).


Strategic Use of CROP, Discretionary Funds, ABRs

Expected Activities and Outcomes:

  1. “Read-Outs” After each ICANN meetings
    • Europe-based speakers from across diverse community sectors
    • Include a segment for an ICANN meeting fellow to give their 3-minute report of impressions

  1. Topic-Based Roundtables
    • Plan a maximum of three in 2023, by Euralo
      • assuming other Ralos will hold some also
    • Include a brief update / recruitment publicity for Euralo at the end of each roundtable
    • Consider co-convening each roundtable with a Euralo ALS (or individual member) partner to share audience-generating responsibility and visibility for ALS role

  1. Existing Activities by and with ALS’

             Return to a monthly call for ALS’ members to report/learn: 

    • ICANN policy work updates
    • ICANN governance processes
    • Outreach and Engagement activities
    • Feedback from ALSes

  1. Ideas for Recruiting and Developing Volunteers
    • Decide priority countries to find new ALSes or individuals (with the medium-term goal of having a EURALO presence in each and every European Country)
    • EURALO is open to representatives of all groups but will pay specific attention on academic, researchers and youth
    • Build relationships with business users, including European Commercial Business Users Constituency members from ICANN (e.g., ETNO, EUROCIO…)
    • ABR proposal for onboarding tool

  1. Strategic Use of CROP, Discretionary Funds, ABRs
  • Create a running list of events and activities – by ORG, Euralo, ALS’, outside organizations, events to consider in 2023 for CROP and discretionary funding include
    • RipeNCC
    • EuroDIG
    • CENTR events?
  • Encourage local ALS’ to attend local events (e.g. Germany ALS’ to Berlin event held by Org)
  1. Collaboration in ICANN Strategic Objectives (Org activities in Europe)
  • Giving higher profile to regional fellows and newcomers during readouts and roundtables
  • Participating to the organization of national IGFs
  • Promoting ICANN activities (including policies, PdPs, public comment periods, reviews, budget and finance…)

Other Details:

  • Interesting and simple explanation of complex things in all communication channels (social networks, readout sessions, round tables)
  • Interaction with EURALO ALSes members to mobilize their young members
  • Maintaining up to date of the Expertise table (knowledge area of EURALO and At-Large members)
  • Maintaining a good relationship with EURALO Partners (RIPE NCC, Centr…)
  • Euralo will help for a continuing cross-ALS interaction to exchange of experiences and information
  • Local interaction
    • ALSes from one country must try to work together
    • ALSes need to pay attention on the relation with governmental organizations
    • ALSes need to pay attention on the relation with local ccTLD and gTLD registries
  • ALSes must give feedback and updates related to EURALO/ICANN work to EURALO leadership

Date Submitted:
Acknowledgements Section

Note: To be completed by a Program Coordinator (PC) designated by this organization/structure.

AcknowledgementsConfirmed?Who Confirmed?Date of ConfirmationNotes
The detailed Outreach Strategic Plan has been properly completed per CROP requirements.


Ozan Sahin


The ICANN Organization / Structure's leadership has authorized this Outreach Strategic Plan.


Ozan Sahin


The Outreach Strategic Plan has been concurred by the Stakeholder Engagement V.P.


Chris Mondini



CROP Outreach Strategic Plan Template (June 2018)