30 July Community Call Recording http://icann.adobeconnect.com/p2oggtwrpm9/

23 August Community Call Adigo Recording:  http://www.adigo.com/clients/icann/20120823_Finance_2.zip

Summary Notes _Doc Structure and Content_23 Aug.docx (COPIED BELOW)

http://www.adigo.com/clients/icann/20120918_Finance_Call_II.zip ( 18 September call )

SUMMARY OF NOTES - 23 August 2012: 

    • Framework needs to be better aligned with Ops Plan in style and structure
    • Framework should be more about Priorities
    • Clarity in Linkage of both documents to Strat Plan
    • Need to educate community on what to focus on (what are “givens” or statements vs questions)
    • Clear and consistent direction from ICANN to Community on goals, responsibilities regarding process
    • Need agreed upon guidelines for public comment
    • Need consistency in content (FY12 had non-cash expenses and EAG and FY13 did not)


  • What is intent of Framework
  • How to get earlier and focused community input on both Framework and Ops Plan
  • What is the input focused on – Process?  Content?



    • Priorities are included in the Strategic Plan so focus of Framework is converting those priorities into Programs, Projects, and Initiatives
    • The Framework content will be at a high level (ROM with deliverables) but should be of similar style and structure as the draft Ops Plan and Budget so that the documents can be compared and commented on more easily
    • The Draft Operating Plan is the proposed implementation of the agreed upon Programs, Projects, and Initiatives, with output to be detailed list of activities
    • Community should be better guided and educated as to what content needs their input and what content is based on staff/board decision or financial goals pre-established that will not be modified
    • Decision on what content is necessary in both Framework and Ops Plan for better community understanding of the year’s activities and focus needs to be formulated and followed through on, with yearly review of this information per current environment and needs

23 August 2012:  Ad Hoc Finance Working Group: Structure and Content of Budget Documents

Summary of Notes:

1.       Discussion on Framework and Ops Plan:

·         Framework needs to be better aligned with Ops Plan in style and structure

·         Framework should be more about Priorities

·         Clarity in Linkage of both documents to Strat Plan

·         Need to educate community on what to focus on (what are “givens” or statements vs questions)

·         Clear and consistent direction from ICANN to Community on goals, responsibilities regarding process

·         Need agreed upon guidelines for public comment

·         Need consistency in content (FY12 had non-cash expenses and EAG and FY13 did not)



·         What is intent of Framework

·         How to get earlier and focused community input on both Framework and Ops Plan

·         What is the input focused on – Process?  Content?


For your consideration and comments: 

·         Priorities are included in the Strategic Plan so focus of Framework is converting those priorities into Programs, Projects, and Initiatives

·         The Framework content will be at a high level (ROM with deliverables) but should be of similar style and structure as the draft Ops Plan and Budget so that the documents can be compared and commented on more easily

·         The Draft Operating Plan is the proposed implementation of the agreed upon Programs, Projects, and Initiatives, with output to be detailed list of activities

·         Community should be better guided and educated as to what content needs their input and what content is based on staff/board decision or financial goals pre-established that will not be modified

·         Decision on what content is necessary in both Framework and Ops Plan for better community understanding of the year’s activities and focus needs to be formulated and followed through on, with yearly review of this information per current environment and needs

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