New gTLD Review Group

Monday 25 February 2013 at 2100 UTC


Action Items

5 RG members agreed to have the statements sent to the RALOs for review.  

If the RG releases statements, it has to be available to respond any questions. 

Each RALO has to look at EACH of the 5 new gTLD applications and their corresponding objection statements and for each application, whether the RALO supports the corresponding objection statement being filed by the ALAC.

There are 2 options for the RALO only:

Do you support statement: YES/NO

If at the end of next week when the 5 RALOs have responded YES/NO to each objection statement, and more than 3 RALOs have expressed support for filing the objection statement, then the ALAC has to conside such advice by the RALOs. Objection statements against applications NOT supported by 3 or more RALOs will no longer be considered.


Idea: Staff to organize a call  on Thursday, 28 Feb with RALO Leaders for a Q& A session with RALO leaders so that they are briefed on the course of action, expected answers from RALOs. Doodle should include one or two choices between 19:00-21:00 UTC (for one global call) or two calls for Western/Eastern hemispheres.


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  1. Looking for clarification on this: <<If at the end of next week of 5 RALOs have responded and 2 have support, the ALAC will only have to look at those 2 applications that had RALO support>>

    Is it 3 or 2 RALOs needed to support an objection? Or does this refer to the count of applications?


  2. Hi Garth, 

    updated the AIs from the call to better clarify what happens. 3 or more RALOs must advise ALAC that they support the objection statement against the gTLD application being filed by the ALAC. Then the ALAC must consider this regional advice and decide whether to accept this advice or not (similiar in concept to the regional advice for ALS accreditation)

    If a statement against a gTLD application does not get support by 3 or more RALOs, then the statement doesn't proceed further as it lacks RALO support.
