IMPORTANT: (1) Please use the <Edit Contents> menu option at the top of this page when updating this page/form; and (2) You must be logged in to this site with a valid Username/Password in order to add/change SOI information. 

1) Your Name:

Marilyn S. Cade

(Instructions: Click in the field to the right to open up the text input window. Then click the <Insert> menu button, select <Image>, then choose (or browse) to locate an image file (e.g., JPG, PNG, BMP) from your local computer to upload. After insertion, please click on the picture and adjust the size to no larger than 200 pixels).

2) Stakeholder Group:Not Applicable

3) Constituency:

Not Applicable

4) ICANN Affiliation (if not covered by item 2 or 3):

5) Please identify your current employer(s):

ICT Strategies, mCADE llc

6) Please identify your current position(s):

I am the CEO and Principal of a micro enterprise -- ICT Strategies, mCADE llc, where I focus on the nexus of Internet governance and ICT policy issues on a global basis. I advise, and in some cases represent corporations and trade associations at global ICT related events and at IGOs, where Internet governance and related issues are underway. ICT Strategies also undertakes a significant amount of interaction and participation in the developing countries that is on an unreimbursed basis in advancing awareness of Internet governance. I was instrumental in engaging the business sector to be engaged in the process which created ICANN, and have been actively engaged with ICANN since before its inception. During that time, I have been a member of the broader community; for a brief time, a GNSO policy Councilor; for three years, the Chair of the Business Constituency; served as the CSG Officer on behalf of the BC. I am a member of the CCWG-IG and serve on the BC Outreach Committee. I am also engaged in the Mentoring pilot as Mentor, on behalf of the BC. In the early days of ICANN, I served on the ICANN Nominating Committee on behalf of Business Constituency. I have also served on several task forces and working groups. For three years, I was an appointee to the ICANN President’s Stragegy Group (PSC), a bottom up consultation process within ICANN that contributed to the concepts embodied in the Affirmation of Commitments.

7) Please identify the type(s) of work performed:

Advice, analysis, representation on issues related to Internet Governance and related topics and activities. This includes understanding the role of ICANN in the larger Internet eco-system, but is primarily focused on demystifying the overall Internet governance activities and processes, and issues.

8) Please identify your declared country of primary residence (e.g., country to which you pay taxes):

United States of America

9) Please list any financial relationship beyond de minimis stock ownership you may have with any company that to your knowledge has a financial relationship or contract with ICANN:

I do not represent contracted parties at ICANN. No Contracted party has a financial investment in my company.

10) Do you believe you are participating in the GNSO policy process as a representative of any individual or entity, whether paid or unpaid?

If the answer is “Yes,” please provide the name of the represented individual or entity. (If professional ethical obligations prevent you from disclosing this information, please enter "Private"):
11) Please identify any other relevant arrangements, interests, or benefits as requested in the following two questions:

a) Do you have any type of material interest in ICANN GNSO policy development processes and outcomes?


If the answer is “yes,” please describe the material interest in ICANN GNSO policy development processes and outcomes:

b) Are there any arrangements/agreements between you and any other group, constituency or person(s) regarding your participation as a work team member?


If the answer is “yes,” please describe the arrangements/agreements and the name of the group, constituency, or person(s):

12) Please identify any Working Groups or other chartered teams in which you are participating (include acronyms, if applicable):

Cross Community Working Group on IG (CCWG IG)/as it evolves to new mechanism, will continue to be participant in individual capacity

Cross Community Working Group on Auction Proceeds

13) Additional Information (optional):

Extensive experience in various other IG ecosystem entities, including the United Nations relevant family of agencies – UNESCO, UNCTAD, WIPO, ITU, CSTD member on behalf of business in three working groups- Improvements to the IGF and Enhanced Cooperation. Engagement in  the Internet Governance Forum , including as MAG member for 3 year term and ongoing engagement in the National/Regional IGF Network activities. In past: Past chair of BC@ICANN; past BC Councilor in gNSO policy Council; former member of President's Strategy Committee – that led to Affirmation of Commitments. Principal in Global ICT Policy Initiative that contributed to first business to heads of state G20 dialogue. Contributed to creating [US ]Internet Summit, America Links Up, launch of GetNetWise; staff support to business executive engagement in National Information Infrastructure Advisory Committee. Formerly board member of WAVE. Speaker and collaborator at various ICT events in developing countries. 

14) Page last revised:


SOI Template v5 (6 Feb 2014)

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