The next  Privacy & Proxy Services Accreditation Issues PDP WG teleconference is scheduled for Tuesday 09 September 2014 at 1400 UTC 07:00 PDT, 10:00 EDT, 15:00 London, 16:00 CET

For other times:

Adobe Connect WITH AUDIO enabled:



  1. Roll Call/Updates to SOI
  2. Proposed P/P Service Provider Accreditation Framework: Implementation Considerations (presentation by Amy Bivins & Mike Zupke, followed by Q&A)
  3. Continue deliberations on Charter Category F questions
  4. Next steps

Documents for Review:

Common Provider T&Cs on Publication & Disclosure - 5 Sept 2014

PP Accreditation Framework Implementation Questions Presentation 9 Sept 2014

MP3 Recording:

Meeting Transcript:


Steve Metalitz - IPC

Graeme Bunton – RrSG

Griffin Barnett – IPC

Tatiana Khramtsova – RrSG

Frank Michlick – Individual

Volker Greimann-RrSG

Don Blumenthal – RySG

David Heasley-IPC

Jim Bikoff-IPC

Chris Pelling – RrSG

Tobias Sattler – RrSG

Kathy Kleiman – NCSG

Justin Macy - BC

Susan Kawaguchi – BC

Kristina Rosette – IPC

Darcy Southwell – RrSG

Amr Elsadr – NCUC

Paul McGrady – IPC

Libby Baney – BC

Phil Marano IPC

Holly Raiche ALAC

Sarah Wyld – RrSG

Christian Dawson – ISPCP

Victoria Scheckler - IPC

Michele Neylon – RrSG

Lindsay Hamilton-Reid – RrSG

James Bladel – RrSG

Osvaldo Novoa – ISPCP

Val Sherman – IPC

David Heasley – IPC

Kathy Kleiman – NCSG

Luc Seufer – RrSG

Keith Kupferschmid – IPC

David Hughes IPC

Phil Corwin - BC



Apologies: none 

ICANN staff:

Mary Wong

Marika Konings

Mike Zupke

Amy Bivins

Daniela Andela

Maryam Bakoshi

Nathalie Peregrine


Adobe Connect chat transcript for Tuesday 09 September 2014:


Maryam Bakoshi:Dear All, welcome to the PPSAI WG meeting on Tuesday, 9th September 2014


  Tobias Sattler:Hi there


  Chris Pelling:ello Tobias :)


  Chris Pelling:Hey James and Mike :)


  Graeme Bunton:Someone is a little huffy puffy on the line


  Bladel:SOunds like the ocean. :)


  Mary Wong:Sorry, it may be us in the DC office .... we're in a conference room with blasting AC


  Val Sherman:Hello All! David Heasley also on the call


  Nathalie  Peregrine:Amr Elsadr has joined the call, and David has been notedf for attendancem, thanks Val


  Nathalie  Peregrine:Lindsay Hamilton-Reid has joined the AC room


  Nathalie  Peregrine:Paul McGrady is also on the call


  Nathalie  Peregrine:David Hughes is on the audio bridge


  Nathalie  Peregrine:Kristina Rosette has joined the call


  Bladel:Are we taking a queue on this?


  Mary Wong:@James, yes


  Graeme Bunton:Can do


  Don Blumenthal:I was about to jump in


  Bladel:Ok, I'll raise my hand.


  Nathalie  Peregrine:Osvaldo Novoa is also on the call


  Chris Pelling:can this doc that ICANN has provided for discussion be sent out to us ?


  Chris Pelling:might be a useful read over a few times


  Mary Wong:@Chris, I thought Mike meant these slides?


  Chris Pelling:Hey Mary, yes, I can flick through them, but, cant download them


  Kathy:I don't understand the "technical limitation" ... could you rephrase please?


  Mary Wong:@Chris, apologies - I think I sent them around this a.m. and they're on the wiki page too; hang on for the link.


  Nathalie  Peregrine:Phil Marano has joined the AC room


  Mary Wong:


  Chris Pelling:Cheers Mary


  Don Blumenthal:The slides did go out this morning


  Don Blumenthal:Unaffiliated p/p services exist alrady.


  Graeme Bunton:Besides lawfirms?


 Don Blumenthal:Yes. I'll find and post later.


  Kathy:Helpful answers, Mike, tx you


  Kristina Rosette:Numerous unaffiliated providers already exist.


  vicky sheckler:unfortunately need to drop off


  Mary Wong:Thanks, Vicky


  Don Blumenthal:Susan K?


  Kathy:It's our fault (Whois Review Team) - and we talked about Best Practices too (for p/p)


  Kathy:Escrow can be done privately -  with access to the keys by ICANN in the case of emergency/breach/failure


  Susan Kawaguchi:I agree with James


  Don Blumenthal:Thanks. I wanted ot make sure which Susan James meant. We have nore than one in the WG.


  steve metalitz:RAA 2013 already requires escrow of customer data on proxy registrations made by registrar or affiliates in connection with the registration. and 3.6 .


  Kathy:@steve: true, but I wonder why Mike Z had questions about disclosure of u nderlying data in the advent of a p/p provider failure




  Libby Baney:@Steve +1 re need for articulated standard


  Kathy:to summarize: choices for p/p terms of service may include both publication and/or takedown (and the customer may have a say in that)


  Mary Wong:@Steve, @Kathy, from our review of the sampled providers who responded, very few distinguish specifically between publication and disclosure in terms of which ground will lead to which.


  steve metalitz:@Kathy: (1) Agree that service provider failure is a separate question (2) re alternative remedies for termination (other than publication), do any providers currently provide them? 


  Lindsay Hamilton-Reid:If terminated, surely publication is unavoidable?


  Graeme Bunton:thanks James


  Mary Wong:@Lindsay, that seems to be the case, if one simply reviews the T&Cs we received. At least one provider makes that explicit ie tells the customer outright in its T&Cs that this is the case.


  Amr Elsadr:@Michele: Not sure why you feel a choice between publication/disclosure and takedown is messy. A registrant could be given the choice, right? That would mean the decision is not the service provider's. Have I misunderstood what you were saying?


  Kathy:@Steve and All, let's go back to old notes on this topic -- and summaries of agreement


  Kathy:I was just typing what James is saying: disclosure first then publication...


  Mary Wong:@Kathy, did you mean sub-question (d) (on screen now)?


  Mary Wong:Oops, I meant (c) not (d)


  Kathy:@Mary, yes!


  Amr Elsadr:@James: +1. Especially with making the distinction between the context of the situation (misdemeanor vs. fellony).


  steve metalitz:I think James was using "felony" and "misdemeanor" metaphorically and not literally. 


  Michele Neylon:@Amr if you paid for services using a stolen credit card you don't have any rights


  Lindsay Hamilton-Reid:Thanks Mary.


  Amr Elsadr:@Michele: Thanks. Understood. Yes..., of course, which is why the context makes a difference.


  Kathy:Interesting call today!


  Bladel:SOrry, I have a hard stop at the top fo the hour.  THanks everyone.


  Kathy:Many good issues touched on


  Kathy:Tx Don and all!


  Mary Wong:Please let us know if you have any other questions for Amy and Mike.


  Graeme Bunton:thanks all


  Luc Seufer:merci


  Amr Elsadr:Thanks all. Bye.

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