The next  Privacy & Proxy Services Accreditation Issues PDP WG teleconference is scheduled for Tuesday 06 January 2015 at 1500 UTC (07:00 PST, 10:00 EST, 15:00 London, 16:00 CET).

For other times: 

Adobe Connect WITH AUDIO enabled: 


  1. Roll Call/Updates to SOI
  2. Commence review of draft Initial Report
  3. Next steps

Documents for Review:

DRAFT WG Initial Report - 19 Dec 2014

PPSAI - Work Plan v5 - 5 Jan 2015 DRAFT

MP3 Recording:

Meeting Transcript:


Frank Michlick – Individual

Justin Macy - BC

Val Sherman – IPC

Theo Geurts - RrSG

Stephanie Perrin - NCSG

James Bladel – RrSG

Griffin Barnett – IPC

Kathy Kleiman – NCSG

Phil Corwin – BC

Richard Leaning – no SOI

Darcy Southwell – RrSG

Todd Williams – IPC

David Heasley - IPC

Paul McGrady – IPC

Volker Greimann – RrSG

Chris Pelling - RrSG

Steve Metalitz - IPC

Graeme Bunton – RrSG

Vicky Scheckler – IPC

Holly Raiche  ALAC

Carlton Samuels – ALAC

Luc Seufer – RrSG

Susan Kawaguchi - BC

Alex Deacon -IPC

Keith Kupferschmid – IPC

Christain Dawson – ISPCP



Osvaldo Novoa – ISPCP

Sarah Wyld – RrSG

Don Blumenthal – RySG

Kiran Malancharuvil – IPC

John Horton - BC


ICANN staff:

Mary Wong

Marika Konings

Daniela Andela

Terri Agnew


 Adobe Connect chat transcript for Tuesday 06 January 2015 

  Terri Agnew:Welcome to the PPSAI WG Meeting on the 06 January 2015

  Graeme Bunton:That's an old agenda, no?

  Holly Raiche:The agenda does say 23 December and doesn't reflect the email spelling out what would happen on this call

  Mary Wong:Hi Graeme and Holly (aka early birds! :) - all fixed now :)

  Theo Geurts:greetings all.

  Graeme Bunton:Waiting another minute or two for stragglers

  richard leaning:hello all

  Terri Agnew:@Graeme, we are unable to hear you

 vicky sheckler:hi

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Vicky Sheckler and Keith Kupferschmid

  Keith Kupferschmid:sorry for joining late

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Stephanie Perrin and Frank Michlick

  Frank Michlick:Sorry for being late.

  Terri Agnew:Phil Corwin has joined audio

  Theo Geurts::)

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Chris Pelling

  Philip Corwin:Good morning all. 2nd of 3 ICANN calls today

  vicky sheckler:FWIW, i think its better to wait

  Chris Pelling:Sorry I am late

  Chris Pelling:Afternoon all

  Kathy:+1 James

  Christian Dawson:Apologize for tardiness

  Holly Raiche:Just a remindere that the existing specification is in force until 2017!

  Chris Pelling:Yeah, rushing this is not a good idea

  vicky sheckler:agree w/ chris

  vicky sheckler:i will be at the intersessional

  val sherman:+1 Steve -- we really haven't focused on reveal as much as on other areas. I support waiting to more fully develop our positions on this subject.

  val sherman:I will be at intercessional

  Holly Raiche:I'll be on the call

  steve metalitz:I will be at intersessional

  Darcy Southwell:I'll be on the call

  Mary Wong:Even without a WG call next week there will still be three more WG calls before Singapore

  Kathy:I'll be at intersessional

  Theo Geurts:i'll be on call

  Todd Williams:I'll be away

  richard leaning 2:as you all know am LE and represent the EU, it would be good to talk about cat f with my Collegues in singapore

  Chris Pelling:ill be on the call

  Stephanie Perrin:I will be in DC next week and not able to make the call

  Frank Michlick:I might not make it since I'll be at Namescon, but was planning on trying.

  steve metalitz:+1 Graeme re thanks to staff

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Carlton Samuels

  Carlton Samuels:Hi All, late in arriving but here and now

  Philip Corwin:I will also be at Namescon and will likely miss the call if it is held next week

  Holly Raiche:Hi Carlton

  Luc Seufer:I am not waiving any right to the formal reading of this report!

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Christian Dawson

  Mary Wong:@Alex, noted and thanks

 Kathy:@Mary and Marika: would it be possible to a redline of edits from today to  the Report - so people can quickly see the proposed change?


  vicky sheckler:please note we are still reviewing the draft, and may have other comments/changes to propose

  Mary Wong:@Kathy, we sure can once we're done with the changes after today

  Mary Wong:We can extract the parts discussed and redline those.

  steve metalitz:+1 Graeme re point 1

  Kathy:@Mary, tx!

  Mary Wong:FYI much of the language here reproduces what was in our Prelim Recs - but yes, the WG can agree to change them upon a comprehensive review of eveything together

  Mary Wong:@Alex, @Graeme, would that apply only to the second sentence?

  Darcy Southwell:My audio stopped working

  Darcy Southwell:I'll type my comment

  Mary Wong:i.e. non-Affiliated providers would still have to validate/verify; its just the re-verification that affects Affiliations?

  Alex Deacon:@Mary - second sentence only.

  Terri Agnew:@Darcy, please let me know if you prefer us to dial out to you

  vicky sheckler:thx mary

  val sherman:Would it be helpful to more generally clarify upfront that the accreditation scheme applies to affiliated and unaffiliated providers?

  Mary Wong:Thanks Alex

  val sherman:+1 Kathy

  steve metalitz:+1 Kathy

  Darcy Southwell:No

  Mary Wong:@Kathy can your repeat your suggestion?

  Kathy:@Mary, sure. I'll type it here...

  Darcy Southwell:In 1.3.1(3) we should clarify that verification/validation is required by P/P providers unless that P/P provider is affiliated with the registrar of record.

  Kathy:Domain name registration involving p/p providers should be clearly labelled as such in the Whois, and can be done with existing fields.

  Kathy:continuing... footnote: The WG has also explored the idea that the label might also be implemented by adding another field to Whois - and the questions that might raise.

  Luc Seufer:@James replacing may by need?

  Holly Raiche:@ Luc- I think we agreed on must

  Mary Wong:@Graeme, @James - yes, that was the concern

  Luc Seufer:@Holly thanks: good

  val sherman:+ James -- to separate these points.

  Kathy:+1 James - and dividing up the one bullet into 3 bullets makes it much clearer!

  Carlton Samuels:@James +1

  Kathy:So perhaps a footnote to #6...

 Chris Pelling:+a James

  Chris Pelling:+1 James even

  Luc Seufer:Agreed.

  Holly Raiche:Agree

  Kathy:Graeme - can you please read the footnote too?

  James Bladel:Sounds like #7 is saying the same thing three different ways/times.

  Holly Raiche:@ James - I think the point is trying to cover all the arguments that were made

  Mary Wong:@Holly, yes

  Carlton Samuels:#7 Seems more pernickety than necessary. How will the decision on type of commercial activity be determined? 

  Carlton Samuels:And, who will decide the ones beyond the pale?

  Holly Raiche:@ carlton - that was exactly the issue - how would you tell anyway

  James Bladel:"should be prohibited"

  Mary Wong:@JKathy, yes I just saw that - I left in a "not" when I should not have

  Carlton Samuels:@Kathy: +1. Say it more directly! 

  Stephanie Perrin:+1 Kathy

  Kathy:@edit... there is no consensus agreement on barried proxies to certain types of legal commercial activities.


  Kathy:sorry.. barring proxies...

  James Bladel::)

  Holly Raiche:Have we discussed what is part of an accreditation requirement?

  Holly Raiche:@ James agreed

  Holly Raiche:Agree should be bi-directional

  Carlton Samuels:@Holly: It was something that was said and accepted

  Holly Raiche:Really isn't an issue - as long as - as per James - is bi-directional

  Carlton Samuels:@Mary: Yes, tht was the context in which it was discussed

  Mary Wong:@Graeme, yes exactly

  Stephanie Perrin:@Graeme absolutely.

  Stephanie Perrin:@James, you are not alone.  Totally agree

 vicky sheckler:+1 with Steve Metalitz's comments

  Mary Wong:@James, would changing the word "examples" to "starting points" help? Note that the language in the PIC and the Safeguard is very similar anyway

  Kathy:+1 Holly: links would be useful - and text too

  vicky sheckler:have to run to another meeting - apologies

  Frank Michlick:Thank you everyone - see you at Namescon

  Kathy:Tx Graeme!

  Holly Raiche:@ Graeme - well done

  Stephanie Perrin:I like starting points better...but I do think it is in principle better to not cite that GAC advice

  James Bladel:Please accept my apologies for next Tuesday.  :)

  Carlton Samuels:Thank yuo

  Luc Seufer:Thanks

  val sherman:Thanks All

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