GNSO Project Status List
Select ICANN / GNSO Policy Issues & Documents
- Review of the UDRP & other trademark rights protection mechanisms
- Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) and Law Enforcement Demands of Registrars:
- NCSG Statement on GNSO Report on Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) Amendments (January 2012)
- Preliminary GNSO Issue Report on the Registrar Accreditation Agreement Amendments (12 Dec. 2011)
- "Community wiki page" on Registrar Negotiations with Law Enforcement
- GAC-Board LEA "Due Diligence" Recommendations (21 Feb. 2011)
- WHOIS Privacy Concerns
- NCSG Statement on .cat proceeding regarding privacy implications of publishing whois information (February 2012)
- NCUC Statement on Preliminary Issue Report on "Thick Whois" (December 2012)
- Whois Policy Review Team Draft Final Report (5 Dec. 2011)
- Preliminary Issue Report on ‘Thick’ Whois (21 Nov. 2011)
- Registry-Registrar Domain Name Takedowns
- Best Practices for Domain Name Suspensions
- SOPA / PIPA Domain Name Take-Downs & DNS Filtering Issues
- NCUC Letter to US Congressional Committee on SOPA / PIPA (14 Dec. 2011)
- SOPA's Anti-Circumvention by Wendy Seltzer (15 Dec. 2011)
- An Open Letter from Internet Engineers to US Congress (15 Dec. 2011)
- Internet Society Statement on Opposition to SOPA / PIPA (12 Dec. 2011)
- Technical Comments on Mandated DNS Filtering to US Congress by Steve Crocker, Paul Vixie et al (9 Dec. 2011)
- "Feds Falsely Censor a Popular Blog for Over a Year, Deny All Due Process, Hide All Details..." (8 Dec. 2011)
- Internet Engineers' Letter in Opposition to DNS Filtering by Steve Crocker, Paul Vixie, et al (12 Oct. 2011)
- New gTLDS Roll-out:
- Assistance to Developing Countries / Joint Applicant Support (JAS)
- Trademark Clearinghouse
- Freedom of Expression (GAC, MAPO & "community" objections)
- Role of GAC in Multi-Stakeholder Governance Institution:
- NCSG Positions on Board Response to GAC Scorecard (15 March 2011)
- Board-GAC Workshop Scorecard (5 March 2011)
- Special Rights for RedCross & Olympic Committee
- GAC/GNSO Group on International Olympic Committee (IOC) and Red Cross (RC)
- Letter from Heather Dryden to Stéphane van Gelder (14 Sept. 2011)
- Letter from Kurt Pritz to Heather Dryden & Stéphane van Gelder (11 August 2011)
- Letter from GAC to Board (12 May 2011)
- Materials from IOC / Redcross trademark attorneys to NCSG (31 Oct. 2011)
- Registrants' Rights
- ICANN Engagement with Developing Countries
- Technical Security and Stability Issues
- ICANN Accountability & Transparency Issues (& ATRT)