Chair’s Notes from the NCSG Executive Committee Meeting

7 December 2011

Present at Teleconference:
Robin Gross (Chair), Michael Carson (NPOC), Rafik Damak (NCUC), Klaus Stoll (NPOC)

MP3 Audio Recording:



Chair’s Notes of Discussion

1.  Review of pending NCSG membership applications
** Note: As per NCSG Charter, any absent full voting member of the EC may object to any membership approval before it becomes final.  Milton Mueller was not present during the 7 Dec. NCSG-EC teleconference so may object to an acceptance within a week from today.

A.  Accepted for NCSG membership:
i.  Young Life (also member of NPOC)

  Representative: Jan Morton

ii.  Tranquil Space Foundation (also member of NPOC)

   Representative:  Tim Mooney

iii)  Mark Leiser (UK) (also member of NCUC)

iv)  Cheryl Landon Orr (Australia)

B.  Need more info / discussion:
     ISSUE:  Raised by Michael & Klaus as to whether organization currently is in operation or if the organization is only planned at this stage.  Klaus raised an additional issue as to whether this was a “trade organization” or a nonprofit organization.
ii)   Kasweshaw Community Resource Center
     ISSUE:  Maintained by Robin as to whether organization is more appropriately an initiative of governments and business working together as opposed to a true noncommercial organization.  Robin raised issue of new domain name supplied is in the CCtld space and not the Gtld space, thus not impacted by GNSO.
iii)  Information Technology Association of Gambia (ITAG)
     ISSUE:  Maintained by Robin as to whether organization has too commercial of a focus and that ITAG’s previous response was unsatisfactory: “ITAG is a membership based organisation a registered charity  of professionals within the IT industry in the Gambia, its funding comes from membership fees, and in some cases for events sponsorship comes from ISP's the regulatory agency etc.”
iv)  Child Protection Alliance
     ISSUE:  Maintained by Robin as to whether organization is more appropriately an initiative of governments and business working together as opposed to a true noncommercial organization.   

C.  Denied NCSG membership: NONE

D.  Further Discussion of NCSG Membership Criteria
Klaus requested a wider NCSG discussion on NCSG membership criteria.  Michael and Klaus have concerns about allowing university students to join NCSG as individual members.  Michael and Klaus call for a discussion of broadening the definition of “noncommercial organization” to include collaborations with governments & business.  Agreement among all EC members to bring this discussion to the wider NCSG membership and try to hold a NCSG-EC meeting in Costa Rica (or before) to focus on this issue specifically.

2.  NCSG Financial Committee & ICANN FY2013 Budget Request
So far members of NCSG Financial Committee are NCSG Chair, Klaus Stoll representing NPOC, and Milton Mueller representing NCUC.  Dorothy Gordon is an observing member of the NCSG-FC representing the candidate consumer constituency.  We may appoint others as needed and are seeking volunteers from NCSG membership for those with fundraising or accounting experience.   NCSG has no money so we need to find resources to carry out the NCSG work.

Proposed ICANN Budget for FY2013 includes opportunity for NCSG to request resources from ICANN (for travel support, meeting support, secretariat support, etc.).  Deadline extended until 20 January 2012 to for NCSG to make budget requests for FY013.  Klaus suggested we hold NCSG-FC meeting in next couple of weeks to discuss this specifically and determine budget requests and volunteers to organization the meeting and discussion.  Robin suggested 1 thing NCSG may want to request is travel support for EC members to ICANN meetings in FY2013.

3.  Establishment of NCSG liaisons with other SO's, ACs, & SGs

NCSG should appoint liaisons to work with the other SO’s, AC’s, and SG’s (as per NCSG Charter) to further NCSG’s mission and objectives.  Liaisons should be working for common goals and ways to work together with the other SO/AC/SG and be contact point when needed.

The EC should appoint liaisons from the NCSG membership who have good relations with the other SO/AC/SG and a solid understanding of their policy issues.  Liaisons should be “bridge builders” between the NCSG and the other SO/AC/SG and both sides should feel comfortable with the liaison proposed and final selections should be mutually acceptable.  NCSG-EC will determine the appropriate NCSG member and propose that person to the other SO/AC/SG for final acceptance by them as the NCSG liaison.  Similarly, the NCSG-EC will also approve the individuals proposed by the other SO/AC/SG who wish to serve as the liaison to the NCSG.

NCSG has appointed an official liaison (William Drake) with ALAC.  

NCSG Liaison positions to consider:
1. ALAC - William Drake (filled)
2. Govt Advisory Cmte (GAC) - maybe we need several for key GAC members / regions?
3. Registry SG
4. Registrar SG
5. Business Constituency
6. IPR Constituency
7. ISP Constituency
8. CCnso
10. ASO  - is this necessary?
11. RSA - is this necessary?

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