NCSG Executive Committee Nov 2019- Nov 2020


    Full Voting Member

    NCSG Chair

    Stephanie Perrin

    NPOC Appointee Ioana Stupariu
    NPOC Appointee Raoul Plommer
    NCUC Appointee Robin Gross

    NCUC Appointee

    Raphaël Beauregard-Lacroix

    NPOC Appointee

    Juan Manuel Rojas (resigned Feb '20) - took up GNSO Council position

    NCSG-EC mailing list: this is the mailing list of the Executive Committee: []

    NCSG Policy Committee Members 2019-2020


    Full Voting Member

    NCSG Chair (ex-officio)

    Stephanie Perrin

    NCSG GNSO Councilor

    Rafik Dammak (Chair)

    NCSG GNSO Councilor

    Farell Folly

    NCSG GNSO Councilor

    Tatiana Tropina

    NCSG GNSO Councilor Juan Manuel Rojas
    NCSG GNSO Councilor James Gannon

    NCSG GNSO Councilor

    Elsa Saade

    NCUC Appointee Olga Kyryliuk
    NCUC Appointee Liz Orembo

    NPOC Appointee

    Oreoluwa Lesi

    NPOC Appointee

    Carlos Raul Gutierrez 

    NCSG GNSO Councilor Martin Silva Valent (resigned) - Feb 20

    NCSG GNSO Councilor

    Farzaneh Badii (resigned) - Nov 19

    Mailing list of Policy committee: [] 

    NCSG Financial Committee Nov 2019-Nov 2020


    Full Voting Member

    Observing Member

    NCSG Chair

    Stephanie Perrin

    NPOC Appointee

    Sam Lanfranco

    NCUC Appointee

    CC Appointee

      Dorothy Gordon

    NCSG-FC mailing list: mailing list of Finance Committe: []

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