NCSG Open Meeting at ICANN #45 in Toronto
Tuesday 16 October 2012 | 13:30 - 15:30 EST
1. Welcome & introduce ourselves (13:30 - 13:45)
2. Update on morning constituency mtgs (13:45 - 14:00)
3. Discussion of key NCSG policy issues (14:00 - 14:45)
a. RAA Amendment negotiations
b. Developments in IP rights for new gtlds: URS & TMC+
c. Special rights in new gtlds for Red Cross, Olympic Committees, IGO's (consideration of PDP)
4. Prep for NCSG discussion with ICANN Board of Directors (14:45 - 15:10)
5. Increase NCSG outreach & participation in policy making (15:10 - 15:25)
6. AoB
*** NOTE: At 15:25 BREAK -> move to METRO EAST move to meet with ICANN BOARD OF DIRECTORS from 15:30 - 16:30