Transcript of Adobe Connect Chat during NCSG Meeting - ICANN #47 Preparation Meeting

AC Chat NCSG call 2nd July 2013

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Dear all, welcome to the NCSG call on the 2nd July 2013

  Marc Perkel:hello - this is new to me

  Marc Perkel:I will be going to Durban in Wendy's place

  Robin Gross:Link to NCSG Meetings in Durban Planning Document:

  Marc Perkel:Should I phone in too?

  Robin Gross:no need to phone in if you are using audio on Adobe Connect.

  Robin Gross:or if don't want audio, just typ in chat here

  Marc Perkel:That's what I thought

  Bill Drake:HI all

  Robin Gross:hiya

  Bill Drake:where be our councilors?

  Marie-laure lemineur:hi all

  Kathy:I entered too!  Kathy Kleiman

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Thanks Kathy! Noted!

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:I'll be there with other hat(s) on

  Anthony:hi all

  Mari:Hi, Maria here. just dialled in.

  Mari:via adobe, so not 100% sure I"ll be able to speak = will type if needs be.

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Joy Liddicoat has joined the call

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Avri Doria has also joined the call

  Kathy:Lots of people going to Durban, great!

  Kathy:I'll be participating remotely...

  Avri Doria:I am going on atrt's

  Avri Doria:.....Behalf but have some  for NC

  Marc Perkel:New blood - fresh legs - that's me! :)

  Avri Doria: For new blood - Yay

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Wendy Seltzer has joined the call

  Mari:Hi robin  / bill , I can't guarantee I can remote participate in the council calls so I will need a proxy.

  Marc Perkel:9:00 am

  Marc Perkel:3 pm - 6 = 9 am

  Mari:thanks, bill! I can't talk into adobe connect - weird issue I've not resolved.

  Mari:alternate is fine for me too

  Mari:Just spotted that my handle in this chat is mistyped, my bad. This is Maria Farrell here!

  Robin Gross:Link to NCSG Meetings in Durban Planning Document:

  Bill Drake:I nominate Joy

  Kathy:Great idea to hold the Policy Committee meeting at a different time than opening ceremonies.

  Kathy:FWIW, the opening ceremonies have gotten much more interesting, with Fadi sharing a lot of new systems and issues at them.

  Bill Drake:they won't program anything against the main room on Monday anymore, somewhat constraining given the loss of Friday

  Kathy:Robin, will we have remote participation at the Policy Committee mtg on Sunday?

  Kathy:If so, I'll participate....

  Bill Drake:Robin you echo a lot, maybe use earplugs?

  Bill Drake:I actually agree, sorry to say

  Marc Perkel:Robin's echo sound more like an electronic artifact and not acustical

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Please all mute your AC room microphones as the echo is being caused by the AC audio

  Joy Liddicoat:I agree Bill

  Marc Perkel:Headphones would likely help

  Bill Drake:If we are alone let's drop it and move on

  Mari:on the council side, jeff still has a draft resolution calling for a bylaw change to make board meet gnso if board decides not to follow gnso advice, similar to gac status.

  Bill Drake:Yes David spoke of his Fadi discussion but I've not heard more from him

  Mari:I think we should vote in favour of that if it comes up in durban, and resist plans by other groups to say they've not had enough time to discuss. i.e. delay and obfuscate

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Fee Waivers  are welll worth pushing IMO

  Bill Drake:I agree with Joy, and would add, what are the other conversations we want to have

  Joy Liddicoat:i really can't see how this is connected to outreach and how more outreach would have chnaged this?

  Joy Liddicoat:zero time imho

  Marie-laure lemineur:so the strategy would be to hear the views/ ideas of the board about the gnso reform and use it as a base to start thinking about it outself?

  wseltzer:I'm concerned about the extent to which ICANN is setting itself a larger regulatory role

  Joy Liddicoat:yes and less a coordinating role

  Bill Drake:So Wendy you don't agree with ALAC folks that ICANN needs to "embrace its inner regulator"?

  Marc Perkel:YES!

  Marc Perkel:Agree with Wendy

  Marc Perkel:That's an issue I'm very interested in

  Marie-laure lemineur:that wouls

  Marie-laure lemineur:would be an interesting topic for a workshop....

  Marc Perkel:me too

  Marc Perkel:I would add the comercial people like Goog APL and MS don't want NSA inside them either

  Joy Liddicoat:has ICANN been asked to assure that its own network infrastructure is not under surveillance?

  Marc Perkel:How do we know ICANN isn't compromised by a national security letter?

  Marc Perkel:Maybe we can do someting preventive with regard to NSA?

  wseltzer:/me regrets I need to leave the call

  Marc Perkel:Agree with Wendy

  wseltzer:I don't see why a centralized service with non-authoritative data is better than a distributed system

  wseltzer:and I don't see good privacy protection

  Marc Perkel:What country would be acceptable?



  Marc Perkel:Maybe we can get Snowdem and Asauge to design i for us?

  Joy Liddicoat:I haven;t read it sorry

  Marie-laure lemineur:i am starting to read it...



  Marc Perkel:Is there any way to not trust a single country?

  Bill Drake:Switzerland is waiting for a call

  Marc Perkel:Suppose it to 3 countries to agree in order to get at the data?

  Marie-laure lemineur:brussels?

  olevie:Togo :-)

  Marie-laure lemineur:robin this is a good point!

  Kathy:Marie-laure- what about the Council of Europe?

  Kathy:It seems tohave both a human rights record and a law enforcement record?

  Marie-laure lemineur:at first sight sounds a good idea....the human rights keepers and have a larger geo scope that the EU...worth exploring the idea..

  Kathy:Marie-laure, also, before we leave Whois, what would you like the SG to do in terms of the Thick Whois Interim Report?

  Avri Doria:Coe is treaty based. Could work.

  Marie-laure lemineur:@kathy i have this on my to-do list before flying nexr week. i am preparing a response to your questions via email. hope te send it by next thursday latest

  Marc Perkel:I think Wendy is gone

  wseltzer:not on the phone

  Kathy:@Marie-Laure, great, tx you!  Also, please let me know what meetings you would like me (and others) to attend remotely. 

  Kathy:With your notes and guidance, we can hopefully provide support in comments, chat rooms and comment time.

  Kathy:sorry -- written comments and oral comments

  Marie-laure lemineur:sure Kathy..we will definitely need your guidance! you are our major whois expert! 

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:I'm sure ALAC  would be very supportive

  Kathy:Great! Tx you both.

  Kathy:All, I have to run ... safe travels all!

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:byw

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:bye

  Marc Perkel:I'm going to assume there will be a lot of NSA PRISM discussion there

  Joy Liddicoat:i am happy to withdraw :-)

  Joy Liddicoat:i do not have any new ones

  olevie:I'll have a lot to learn as ICANN fellow. Great !

  olevie:bye bye

  Joy Liddicoat:is that our NCSG dog ;-)?

  Bill Drake:NCSG needs a mascot

  Marc Perkel:Often one has more influence than one can easily count

  Marie-laure lemineur:@bill how as a follow up to the igf activity how about writing a paper/article and publish it ?

  Marc Perkel:Yes - we can influence the philosophy of ICANN

  Bill Drake:I'm not well positioned from a scholarly standpoint to write about this, but in another context reporting and assessment would be useful

  Marc Perkel:I'm generally available to assist as needed there

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:all good thanks

  Bill Drake:And I think ICANN has some interest in cultivating

  Bill Drake:woo hoo

  Marc Perkel:Thank you Robin

  Joy Liddicoat:thanks robin = you are a great chair :-)

  Bill Drake:buh bye

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:bye thanks all see some of you in Durban

  Marie-laure lemineur:thks Robin and all


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