NCSG Open Membership Policy Meeting
17th November 2015 - Tuesday
16:00 - 18:00 UTC

Remote Participation Details:
Adobe Connect:

Preliminary Discussion Agenda:

I.    Roll-call 

II.   New civil society engagement strategy, brief introduction (Adam Peake) 

III.   Quick Update on ICANN policies

* Proxy/privacy Accreditation WG (Kathy Kleiman)

* CCWG status update (Robin Gross)

* Open public comments:

IV.   19th Nov GNSO Meeting Preparation:

 A.  GNSO councillors will attend the call and brief to the membership about the GNSO call agenda items.
 B.  Discussion Items: prioritizing some topics

V.   AOB

* Upcoming intersessional NCPH meeting
* News from IGF (James Gannon)
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