The IGO-INGO Access to Curative Rights Protection Mechanisms Working Group call will take place on Thursday, 30 March 2017 at 16:00 UTC for 90 minutes 

09:00 PDT, 12:00 EDT, 17:00 London, 18:00 CET

For other times:


The proposed agenda, and associated links and documents, for the upcoming WG call this Thursday 30 March 2017 at 1600 UTC is as follows; please also note that this call has been scheduled for 90 minutes: 

  1. Roll call and updates to Statements of Interest
  2. Recap of ICANN58 discussions:

(a) co-chairs’ update and summary of GAC-GNSO facilitated dialogue on IGO acronyms protection;

(b) co-chairs’ update and summary of Working Group session discussions on the issue of IGO standing and jurisdictional immunity

  1. WG review: comments submitted by WIPO, OECD, US Government and the GAC
  2. WG discussion: Other comments and proposals arising from ICANN58 discussions on IGO standing and jurisdictional immunity
  3. Next steps/next meeting


For Agenda Item #2(a), the recording and transcript of the 12 March facilitated GAC-GNSO dialogue session is available here:[].


For Agenda Items #2(b) and #4, the recording and transcript of the 15 March open WG community session is available here:[].


For Agenda Item #3, the slides prepared for the ICANN58 open WG community session include the main points from the WIPO, OECD, USG and GAC comments:[] (from page 20 onwards). We recommend, however, reviewing the full comments that were submitted:


Note that staff is currently preparing a Public Comment Review Tool in the form of a table (as customarily used by all GNSO PDP Working Groups) that will categorize all submissions received according to each of the WG’s preliminary recommendations. We hope to have the full Tool completed for your review by early next week, following the close of the public comment period this Friday.


Apology : none


Adobe Connect Recording

AC Chat






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