The proposed agenda for our upcoming WG call, scheduled for Wednesday 16 December 2015, is below:

  1. Roll call/updates to SOI
  2. Update on work of external legal expert (Phil Corwin)
  3. Next steps and planning toward ICANN55


MP3 Audio: 

On page:

The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page:



David Maher - PIR

George Kirikos - Individual

Jim Bikoff - IPC

Kathy Kleiman – NCSG

Lori Schulman - IPC

Mason Cole - RySG

Paul Tattersfield - Individual 

Petter Rindforth - IPC

Phil Corwin - BC

Jay Chapman - Individual



Osvaldo Nova – ISPCP

Paul Keating - NCUC

Mary Wong


ICANN staff:

Steve Chan

Berry Cobb

Glen de Saint Gery

Michelle DeSmyter 

Nathalie Peregrine


Mailing list archives:


Wiki page:



Adobe Connect chat transcript for Wednsday 16 December 2015

 Nathalie  Peregrine:Dear all, welcome to the  IGO-INGO Curative Rights Protection PDP WG Meeting on the 16th December 2015

  George Kirikos:Hi folks.

  Paul Tattersfield:Hi George, Everyone

  Petter Rindforth:Hi all, nice to "see" you again!

  George Kirikos:Hi Paul and Petter. How are you today?

  Paul Tattersfield:How's Canada - still snowing?

  George Kirikos:No snow yet in Toronto. :-)

  Paul Tattersfield:Greate thanks George and you?

  Paul Tattersfield:It's strange Peter we feel we can "see" each other but if we met in the real world we might be surprised how different we all looked :)

  George Kirikos:The internet isn't real?!?!?!? ;-)

  George Kirikos:(I'd use the phrase 'offline world' instead) :-)

  Paul Tattersfield:The Intenet is amazing I can get a new site out to Shanghai in under 2 seconds and most of Europe in under .4 seconds

  George Kirikos:Sorry to hear about the attacks in France, Nathalie. How are things these days?

  Nathalie  Peregrine:thank you for thet George, very sweet of you.

  George Kirikos:(and Glen too)

  glen de saint gery:Thank you for thinking of us George, we really appreciate it

  George Kirikos:Here was Phil's email, in case folks missed it:

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Kathy Kleiman has joined the AC room

  George Kirikos:Of course, we know IGOs (e.g. World Bank) have already used the UDRP, courts, etc.

  Steve Chan:I'll pass along a message to Mary to infor the WG if there is any additional information re: the small group work

  Kathy Kleiman:Whew, finally online. It took a long time to connect via Adobe, but I have been listening on the phone line too.  

  George Kirikos:Just in time for the meeting's end, Kathy. :-)

  Paul Tattersfield:Kathy, I came early because last tiem I had problems with AC - this time, it went straight in!

  Lori:No problems today either.  I usually have to access the screen for the presentation and then dial in.

  Kathy Kleiman:@George: better late than never :-)

  Philip Corwin:Welcome Kathy. If you read my email you already know what I reported.

  Kathy Kleiman:yes, I read your report, and thank you for all your work, Phil!!

  Philip Corwin:Very welcome

  George Kirikos:ICANN55 is early March (March 5-10, 2016), so if the report comes in late January, it might be tough to get things done by early March.

  George Kirikos:ICANN56 = June 27-30, 2016 (in Panama)

  Lori:Also tough with all eyes on accountability

  Lori:which is imploding

  George Kirikos:Bye everyone. Happy holidays!

  Paul Tattersfield:Bye all, just to add, you did a very good job Phil, it's great to see all the efforts you have being put in on behalf of the working group taking shape.

  Lori:Happy Holidays everyone!

  Kathy Kleiman:Happy Holidays, All!

  Lori:Yes, Phil is a fabulous co-chair

  Kathy Kleiman:Tx Petter and Phil and All.

  Jay Chapman:thanks, All.  Happy Holidays everyone!



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