Registries Stakeholder Group

ICANN 52, Singapore

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Canning Room

0900 to 1700 Local Time





0900 – 0915      Open Meeting

  • Introductions
  • Review and approve agenda
  • Review topics for discussion with ICANN staff and Board


0915 – 1045    New gTLD Process Developments (with GDD and Compliance Staff)


1045                Break/adjourn to RrSG meeting room (Sophia Room)


1100 – 1200    RySG/RrSG Joint face-to-face meeting (Sophia Room) RySG/NTAG/RrSG

  • Executive Committees meeting with ICANN staff
  • GNSO Council Issues and Motions
  • Topics for discussion with ICANN Board
  • WHOIS – clarification on crossover relative to output
  • Translation and Transliteration PDP


1200 – 1300    Working lunch (Canning Room)

  • RySG Business
    • Topics for discussion with ICANN Board (continue, if necessary)
    • GNSO Council Issues and Motions (continue, if necessary) (Jonathan Robinson)
      • GEOTLD Registries Interest Group (Peter Vergote)
      • Registration Operations (Scott Hollenbeck)
      • DNA (Kurt Pritz)


1300 – 1400    ICANN Accountability and IANA Stewardship Transition

  • IANA Stewardship Transition (Donna Austin, Chuck Gomes)
  • ICANN Accountability (Keith Drazek, Becky Burr)
    • IANA Services (Elise Gerich, VP, IANA)


1400                Adjourn for meeting with the ICANN Board (Padang Room)


1415 – 1515    Meeting with the ICANN Board (Padang Room)


1530 – 1700  GNSO and ICANN Updates and Business (Canning Room)

  • NTAG report and follow-on issues (Samantha Duchesneau)
  • Pending RySG response to open public comments (Paul Diaz)
  • RySG Charter Amendments (Paul Diaz)
  • 2015 Nominating Committee Leadership Team (Stephané Van Gelder, Ron Andruff, Cheryl Langdon-Orr) (1630)
  • No labels
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