Made by: Rafik Dammak Seconded by: Olga Cavalli amended by Wolf-Ulrich Knoben

Whereas, ICANN aims to ensure that the New gTLD Program is inclusive, along the lines of the organization’s strategic objectives;

Whereas, numerous stakeholders have, on various occasions, expressed concern about the cost of applying and about the material requirements for new gTLDs, and suggested that these costs and material conditions might hinder applicants requiring assistance, especially those from developing regions, from cultural/linguistic groups and from non-profit groups such as philanthropies,

Whereas, on 13 March 2010, the ICANN Board adopted Resolution 20 ( requesting that stakeholders work with their respective ACs and SOs to form a working group to provide a sustainable approach to providing support to applicants requiring assistance in applying for and operating new gTLDS;

Whereas, the GNSO Council desires to form a joint working group with other interested Supporting Organizations (SO’s) and Advisory Committee (AC’s) to fulfill this Board request, and to develop a sustainable approach to providing support to such new GTLD applicants,***

    • Tim Ruiz' s amendment: "keeping in mind ICANN's requirement to recover the costs of new gTLD applications and on-going services to new gTLDs."*
    • Rafik Dammak's rewording: "keeping in mind the GNSO Implementation guideline to recover the cost of new gTLD applications and on-going services to new gTLDs."*


Resolved, that the GNSO Council supports the formation of a joint SO/AC working group to respond to the Board’s request by developing a sustainable approach to providing support to new gTLD applicants requiring assistance in applying for and operating new gTLDS;

Resolved further, that Rafik Dammak shall serve as the GNSO Council Liaison for this joint SO/AC working group;

Resolved further, that the GNSO Council Chair shall within 48 hours of this motion inform the Chairs of other SO’s and the AC’s of this action and encourage their participation;

Resolved further, that ICANN Staff shall within seven calendar days of this motion identify and assign applicable Staff support for this working group and arrange for support tools such as a mailing list, website and other tools as needed;

Resolved further, that the staff support assigned to this working group shall within 48 hours after the support tools are arranged distribute an invitation for working group participants as widely as possible within the SO/AC community;

Resolved further, that the New gTLD Applicant Support WG shall initiate its activities within 28 days after the approval of this motion. Until such time as the WG can select a chair and that chair can be confirmed by the participating SO’s and AC’s, the GNSO Council Liaison shall act as interim co-chair with the liaison(s) from other SO’s and AC’s;

Resolved further, that the New gTLD Applicant Support WG shall as its first action items: i) elect a chair or co-chairs; ii) establish meeting times as needed; and iii) develop and propose a charter describing its tasks and schedule of deliverables for approval by the participating SO’s and AC’s.

Resolved further, that the New gTLD Applicant Support WG shall deliver its initial recommendation for community comment in time for discussion at the Brussels ICANN meeting.

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