GNSO Working Sessions - Tower Salon A

Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy - Part B (IRTP B) Presentation of Proposed Final Report
Purpose: Provide GNSO Council with overview of proposed Final Report

Leader: Michele Neylon, Chair of the IRTP Part B WG

Agenda: Presentation of IRTP Part B Proposed Final Report followed by Q & A

Who should attend? GNSO Council, anyone else interested in the Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy

Presentations/documents - see for further information
Proposed Final report
Executive Summary

Post Expiration Domain Name Recovery (PEDNR) Presentation of Proposed Final Report

Purpose: Provide GNSO Council with overview of proposed PEDNR proposed Final Report

Leader: Alan Greenberg, Chair of the PEDNR WG

Agenda: Presentation of PEDNR proposed Final Report, followed by Q & A

Who should attend? GNSO Council, anyone interested in post-expiration related issues

Presentations - see
Prposed Final report
Executive Summary:

10:00-10:30 BREAK

Presentation from Patrik Faltstrom (10 minutes) on current SSAC activities and opportunities for collaboration with the GNSO
2. Open discussion/questions (20 minutes)

Implementation of Registration Abuse Policies recommendations

11.00 – 11.30 – Discussion with Pam Little on feedback provided by ICANN Compliance Staff in relation to WHOIS Access recommendation #2 and Fake Renewal Notices recommendation #1
11.30 – 12.00 – UDRP Issue Paper - brief overview of the format of the Issue Report, followed by issues that have been identified as part of the research on the topic, in addition to opportunity to provide input and feedback regarding any additional issues to address and any potential concerns related to the scope

Leader: 11.00 – 11.30 – Council leadership /
11.30 – 12.00 – Margie Milam

Who should attend?
GNSO Council, anyone interested in the implementation of the RAP recommendations.


12:00-13;00 Potential Council Motions - discussion
16 march motions

13:00-14:00 WORKING LUNCH Preparation for GNSO meeting with GAC & ccNSO.


Status update - JAS WG (Applicant Support, New gTLD Program)

Purpose: Update GNSO on the progress made by the JAS WG since January 2011.

Leaders: Rafik Dammak and Carlton Sameuls

Agenda: Update on JAS WG activities since January 2011.

Who should attend? All interested in the New gTLD Program and increasing support for developing regions participation in the program.

Presentations/Documents (if already available): We are working on this and will send you asap

14:30 - 15:30
GNSO Discussion on Joint Community Working Groups

Purpose: To enhance awareness and understanding of issues that arise when Community (cross-SO/AC) working groups are formed
Leader: Stéphane van Gelder
The GNSO community will discuss:
1) when CWGs should be formed;
2) the processes and procedures that CWGs should follow;
3) what the outcomes of WGs should be;
4) how those outcomes should subsequently be considered.

Who should attend?
Members of the broad SO/AC community who have an interest in when CWGs should be formed and how they should operate

Presentations - Proposed discussion of Cross-SO/AC policy development work

15:30-16:00 BREAK


Internationalized Registration Data Working Group (IRD-WG) Update on Recent Activities

Purpose: To update the GNSO Council on the recent activities of the IRD-WG

Leader: Edmon Chung

• Summary of Interim Report
• Outreach Efforts on Interim Report
• Summary of comments received on Interim Report

 Who should attend?
Any interested GNSO Council members and members of the ICANN community and/or public
Presentations - Will be provided and posted when available.

Policy Process Steering Committee Policy Development Process Working Group (PPSC PDP WG) Presentation of Proposed Final Report

Purpose: Provide the GNSO Council with an overview of the proposed new GNSO Policy Development Process

Leader: Jeff Neuman, Chair of the PDP-WT

Agenda: Presentation of the proposed new GNSO PDP followed by Q & A

Who should attend? GNSO Council, anyone else interested in the new GNSO PDP

Presentations/documents - see

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